Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Snow

The boys decked out for a snow day!

Robbie trompin' through the deep stuff!

It snowed this morning!!! This weekend we went and got Robbie a snow suit (we knew that he would be miserable staying inside all winter) for a steal down in St. Louis--what perfect timing! Rob and Robbie made a snowman, slid down our little hill in the front yard on a cookie sheet, had a snowball fight, and wrestled in the was a great time.


This Thanksgiving we went to our friends' house, the Humphreys, for dinner. It was great--we didn't have to cook the whole meal and the kids got to run around for a few hours. As is tradition in the this house now, Rob made his pumpkin pie from scratch (he opts not to carve his pumpkin at Halloween in order to save it for pumpkin pies and cookies). This year I am most grateful for the little things: walking, cooking, doing dishes, picking up my kids, nursing...I didn't realize these things were even blessings until I couldn't do them anymore. We really are so blessed!
I tried to get a picture of Robbie's curls, but he just wouldn't cooperate. This is the only picture that he isn't glaring at the camera (and you can barely see his golden locks!).
I think it is totally hilarious how babies look just like little people. I had Rob hold Ty up and saw that he is just barely above Rob's knee...imagine a little person like this walking at talking! So sweet.

Robbie loves to cook (or "help"). This is a picture of Robbie helping Daddy with the pumpkin pie. He lost his counter priviledges, however, when he started dumping flour and spices everywhere.

St. Louis Zoo

Rob had this week off of school, so we headed down to St. Louis for a day at the zoo. Robbie absolutely loved it! He kept running from exhibit to exhibit saying, "See more animals!!!" It was a beautiful day and so fun.
Robbie and the giraffe

Mommy, Robbie, and the grizzly bear
I love this picture! I can't walk well still, so Rob basically has to do it all. This is his Super Dad picture--it was even better when he had Ty in the Baby Bjorn, still pushed the stroller with Robbie in it, and carried the backpack...he's a trooper!

Ty is the best little baby; he just smiles, laughs, and watches. The other day Robbie had him in a head lock (trying to give him "loves") and Ty just let Robbie have his fun. I took this at the is such a Ty look, I had to post it.

Robbie exploring the "inside of a tree" tunnel.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Daddy's Shoulders

I don't know what it is about being on your daddy's shoulders, but for some reason, kids love it. I still remember the feeling--so high and exciting! Rob and I were looking at pictures yesterday and he said, "Man, the kids are always on my shoulders!" What lucky kids!!! I just had attach a few pictures. Ty with Daddy
Robbie (with his turkey hat he made in his preschool group) and Daddy in the backyard.

Brotherly Love

The other day I was doing dishes or something when I heard Ty start to cry. I came out to find him like this... sticky stuff all over his face and jammies! What happened? Robbie wasn't anywhere in sight, so I called for him up the stairs. Little man came down like this:
Mystery solved.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Haas Hospital

Mommy and Me! She's my little life saver! Doesn't she look great. She went to the doctor with me, and the NP whispers, "Is that your MOM?? She looks so young!"

My sulfa painful and yucky!

No this isn't a hospital is my shower after my mom got to it!

This about sums it up...crutches, a walker, (the wheelchair is in the car), and a bottle since I can't nurse.

When it pours! After my first and second foot surgery, my foot got infected. I was on Keflex for two weeks, only to find out that I actually had MRSA--a very scary (can be fatal) form of staph. That same day, Robbie got a fever (which he kept for 2 days) and blisters all over his lips and tongue. I had to stop nursing, so Ty was miserable. I developed tendinitis in my left foot from all of hopping. My parents could tell I was at breaking point (not being able to walk for two months is tough, let alone discovering you have a scary infection and sick kids...) so my mom flew out. She came just in time, too. The night she came the fevers started. I held a fever for 3 days, followed by a rash that covered my body. Over the phone the doctor said it was a virus. On Sunday the fever broke for a few hours, but then came back full force along with a hot, swollen face and the rash connecting all over my body into huge red masses. I went to the ER and found out I am allergic to sulfa drugs (I would be so lucky). My mom extended her trip and has made my life so much better! She has transformed my house into a little hospital; everything has to be sanitized with bleach to kill the MRSA, so the first few days she did about 4 loads of laundry every day! I am so grateful for her...I couldn't have done this without her.


I was totally out of it for Halloween (see other posts), but fortunately my mom came to the rescue and bought Robbie a frog costume in California. As you can see, Robbie wasn't too excited about fitting into the hot, uncomfortable costume, but once Rob took him to the Trunk-or-Treat and Robbie saw all the candy...all was forgotten!