It's official! Robbie's finally a big boy and wearing man-pants full-time. It makes me giddy for a million reasons, but the best part is how
easy it was. I've been wishy-washy about it for months. I'd try it for a few hours, and when Robbie complained or wet his pants, I gave up for another month or so. My expert friends (those who successfully had kids in underwear) all told me the same thing: Wait until he is ready. Thanks guys! A few weeks ago I randomly asked Robbie if he had to go potty. I was shocked when he said yes and went to the bathroom. We went and got ice cream cones as a celebration, but even that didn't spark the interest I had hoped, at least not immediately. He refused to wear underwear again, and any time I asked if he had to go potty, he'd yell, "NO!" Well... I waited again. Patience.
A few days ago, I asked again if Robbie had to go potty. "Yes," he said, and went! From that point on, he has gone--and
on his own, without reminders!!! No mistakes for two days now. Horray!