The highlight: The ski lift and new ski helmet (which, by the way, he never takes off).
It started as a fight. Rob carried Robbie down the lift--the result was a tantrum (
after all, can't he ski by himself already?). The lift made Robbie forget he was ever mad, but once at the top, all forgiveness was
forgotten. Robbie wanted to zoom down the hill with out anyone holding him or telling him what to do. "But how are you going to stop at the bottom?" Rob asked. It didn't really matter. Dad was totally ruining Robbie's Big-Boy-
Skier fantasy. If we asked him to put his tips together, he's parallel and we'd have to sprint to catch him. After enough falls, he was done. We went home and bought an
Edgie Wedgie (the little thing that keeps the tips together). Maybe next time, he'll be able to slow down. As for Ty, he probably had more fun. He was at home eating p
opsicles with Grandpa Haas.