Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Single Again

It was a Thursday night and I had class, yes class (I'm taking a Writing for Publication class at the Wasatch Campus of UVU). I got home at nine, called a friend who was in town, ate some food, stalked people on Facebook (no, I'm not on Facebook) and tried to sleep. Next morning, I woke up late, stayed in bed writing my book until around 10:30. Cleaned my house. Blogged. Went grocery shopping (it was actually pretty fun and I remembered EVERYTHING on the list). Paid bills. Did my taxes. Completed Rob's FAFSA. It was now 2pm.

Rob decided on Thursday night to head up to Logan until Sunday morning...without me--just him and the boys! I actually cried, because I didn't want to be left alone in this huge scary house without anyone (I even called my brothers to see if they would take shifts babysitting me at night--no joke!). Well, Rob insisted I needed a break. Besides, I had class that night and a roommate reunion on Saturday.

What I learned from my little break? I needed it! But, I also learned I have mastered productivity! Seriously, what did I do before I had kids? I had so much spare time, I didn't even know what to do with myself! Fun time, yes, but I missed my little life with my family. I was happy to see them on Sunday.

As for my fantastic C-1 reunion--we had so much fun, we couldn't leave and are planning another one! Everyone made it except Dinah, whose ride from Washington bailed on her. We all met almost a decade ago (can't believe it!!!) from all over the country...Oregon, Arizona, Georgia, South Dakota, California, Washington...and we bonded like sisters. Oh how I love these girls. We went through pictures and our apartment song and "You'll never guess what happened" chart. It was perfect! We were totally crazy then, and now we have 7 kids and 2 on the way amongst us--minivans and all! So fun.
Here's us then...

And now...
Guess not much has changed.

Friday, February 5, 2010


It's interwoven in his tissues: Rob LOVES sports. It drives me nuts sometimes (like the other night when he was watching college wrestling), but it really is a part of him. Well, of course, he joined the ward basketball team and the boys were his biggest fans! They loved going to the games. That is until last week, when some guy thought he was playing for the NBA Championship and knocked out Rob's kneecap. It isn't the first time, or even the second. He's been dealing with it for about 10 years now. He's gone to three orthopedists (who all blew him off) and physical therapy for 4 years (this is all during his football years). Well, after Rob's ortho unit in school, he self-diagnosed himself. Yesterday he went to another orthopedist (one he is going to shadow, actually) and told him he had patellofemeral pain syndrome and all the reasons why. He got xrays (for the first time...like I said, no one else took him seriously) and sure enough, Rob was right! He goes in for his first knee surgery on March 4th. Finally!

*Speaking of surgery--I had a cyst removed from my finger. It had been growing and hurting me for years, but I have surgery anxiety (understandably, I think) so I put it off until I couldn't stand it anymore. The doctor made me do it in the OR and under anesthesia (adding to my anxiety. It's just a little cyst, right?). Out of surgery he told me the cysts were dark, so he was sending them to the pathologist. I knew it...dying of cancer this time! (I'm a TOTAL hypochondriac.) Well, path report came back: BENIGN soft tissue hemangioma. YAY! Rob took the stitches out at our kitchen table (he tried to get Robbie to do it, but it was a no-go). No MRSA. No bed rest. All is well! Sigh!!!

Rob's fan base

The Gym

I wanted to sign Robbie up for gymnastics--Rob and I both did it when we were his age, and thought it would be fun--but it was kind of expensive and we had to commit for 9 months. Better option: for $5 your kids can go and play on the equipment (and adults, too...but we're free!) Perfect! The boys LOVED it! The trampolines, the sponge pit, the cushy floor and blocks--it was the best playground ever. Downfall: GERMS! As we were leaving, Rob and I had a little conversation like this:

K: "That was fun! But don't you think it's just a cesspool of sickness waiting to happen? It's not like they sanitize the sponge pit! Gross!"
Rob rolled his eyes. "Kyrsten, that's so stupid. There are germs EVERYWHERE!" And then he gave his famous, "Trust, me, I'm a doctor!" spiel.
MOM WINS! For the last week, we have been giving breathing treatments twice a day along with Tylenol and a humidifier at night.

More Snow Fun!

Snow! It snowed every day for a week (note the heaps behind Ty...that is our driveway), but it made such a fun family event every night. We would all get bundled up...Rob would get on the 4-wheeler (it has a plow) with the boys and I got the snow-blower (it's like my little toy; I love it!) and we'd clear the whole thing in minutes. So fun! It's the little moments like that that make me so grateful to have a little family.

It's so fun being close to all the Olympic event centers! About a month ago, Soldier Hollow was having some Olympic timed-trial for the cross-country skiers (it was to see where they would race on the team or something). Anyway, 14 countries were there, but Soldier Hollow wanted Team USA to get all the cheers, so they called in the public! Whoever came with a nose maker and voice to cheer on the USA team, got a free tubing and cross-country skiing (and rental) ticket!!! Of course, we jumped on that (tubing alone is $19!!) So here are some pictures of us "redeeming" them.

Rob and Robbie

Ty is actually too young to go down the runs, so Rob and I took turns pulling him around on the tube. He thought it was fine, but the real highlight was pulling the tubes himself or just sprawling face down on the snow and licking it to his heart's content. Doesn't get much better than that, right?