Thursday, May 13, 2010

Beach Blast!

It was a great Saturday! We headed over the Channel Islands Museum (the Channel Islands are made up of four islands just off our coast and are now a national monument--we go snorkeling there and Dad loves to dive in the kelpy waters). Then we headed to the beach to explore the tide pools--Rob searched for crabs the whole time and eventually got lucky, well, I guess it wasn't "lucky" that he got attacked by pinchers but still.... Came home. Napped. Went back in the afternoon to play in the water and capture little sand crabs. I felt like a kid all over again--it was wonderful!

These were just on the beach and the boys thought it was great fun to play in them.

Back to My Sweet Ventura

I'm home!!! I convinced Rob to do a rotation in Ventura this month, and it has been heaven. As we drove back to California, we were both shocked at how beautiful it was--oh how we'd forgotten! The boys are in sweet bliss. Everyday they have oranges, berries, loquats (different than kumquats), avocados, strawberries, and occasionally, they pick at the unripened apples. It's paradise! Rob comes home and we head to the beach or a park--always sunny; always perfect. We're so happy to be back (even if it's just for a month).

Nigh-Night Highlight: Grandpa's VERY animated stories: The 3 Little Pigs, The Princess Frog, and The One Legged Deer (I have no idea. . .). The boys LOVE it, which is great, since it is the only way we can get them into their jammies.

The boys are obsessed with the dogs, Ella and Hunter, but especially Ty who holds them and kisses them all day. Usually starving for attention, these dogs are now hiding from the boys when they come bounding out of their room.

During nap time I went to check on the boys and found Robbie had disappeared! Here's where I found him--perfectly self-tucked in to Grandma and Grandpa's bed.

Rob started picking the oranges off the tree the day we arrived. We started out juicing them, but now he simply peels the rind and throws the whole thing in the blender--a pulpy, gulpy "drink" that everyone loves.