It was darling getting them all dressed--Robbie a BYU football player, Ty a frog. Still, Rob and I were both shocked when we tried to pep talk them into going to the Trunk-or-Treat. Robbie kept arguing with us. "Why would I want to go get candy? Candy isn't good for us; I don't want any!"
Each night Ty asks, "Does this have vitamins in it?" before putting it into his mouth. Still, he's the true sugar tooth. Once he realized that he was venturing out for candy, he was all enthusiasm. We ditched the ward party and headed to our neighborhood for some real trick-or-treating--four-wheeler, rain and all! Ty practically screamed "Trick-or-treat" before the door opened.
As we headed home, we asked what they were going to do with all their candy. Robbie looked at us in all seriousness and said, "I'm gonna give it to someone who wants cavities."
Unbelievable. Can't even enjoy Halloween!
Still, Rob let them gorge for the night and then pick out a dozen pieces to eat at their leisure. The rest is "gone." Ty ate all of his within two hours--he's our glutten. Robbie saved his, gave half of it to Ty, and eventually let his inner-child imerge and ATE it! We couldn't have been more pleased!