Bedrest and weekly shots were enough toture, right? Not a chance. So we bring home our sweet little baby, and then . . .
I'm back at the hospital every day to draw Jimmy's bilirubin only to find out he's still too high. Back home; back on the lights (by the way his peak level was only 15.5, but they were extra cautious).
Robbie then get's the worst croup of his life (and that's saying something). Rob stays up with him all night and get's the worst cold of
his life (102.7 fever for three days straight).
We all get this fabulous cold (except the baby) and are hacking and sniffling all night.
I decide to steam in hope of a speedy recovery, when the boiling water somehow POPS into my face. Rob rushes me to the doctor--second degree burns ON MY FACE!!! Rob starts calling me Two-Face, I think it really did a lot to ease my pain.

Exhausing, right? Had enough? We're just getting started.
I start getting pain in my left hip/pelvis area. After three days and barely being able to walk, I realize it isn't just my hips going back (bummer). I go in and the doctor thinks it might be blood in my ovaries and schedules an ultrasound for the next day. But the next morning when I am kneeling down to get Ty dressed I realize I am completely lopsided. My leg is hugely swollen and tinging with purple. Rob calls every doctor known to man in hopes of getting my ultrasound earlier. Sure enough, blood clot. I am admitted to the ER where they try to ambulence me down to Provo, but I figure ONE ambulence ride in the last two years was enough for me--they let Rob bring me.
I'm admitted to the ICU. A chest CT and surgery by an Interventional Radiologist later, my clot was removed from my pelvis. It was in my iliac vein. I had to give myself shots of Lovanox in my stomach twice daily until my Coumadin leveled out. I'm on it for at least six months and go in for blood draws almost daily. So fun.
Oh wait. We're not done.
Is it really fair that Rob doesn't get his own ER visit? Of course not. We went to Logan for the two weeks following my disaster--Rob had a rotation there. While chopping firewoord, a board flew up and cut open his eyebrow. 11 stitches later, he was fine.

But, amongst it all, I realize how blessed I have been. An hour before my burn, my Mom had arrived from the airport. Rob happened to have the day off, so we were able to just rush to the dermalogist (who is only in town once a week and it just happened to be that day, and he just happened to have worked with Rob and so he gave us a discount)so we could leave the kids and run. Rob had just happened to have taken the week off that my blood clot made itself manifest so he was there and ready to help. It also just happened to be the weekend so his mom could rush down from Logan and take the kids while Rob kept me from having a breakdown. The IR who happened to be on-call had done a surgery on Rob and is sort-of related so he let Rob watch and was very competant. I am blessed. Sometimes I think, "Seriously? More?" but then I think of all these little indicators that God is looking out for me. Trials must come, but at least he finds ways to make them as "convienient" as possible.