Saturday, April 23, 2011

Our House!

Yep! We finally are growing up and buying our first house! It's under contract, and pending all ducks in a row, we'll be moving in early June. It's in a cul-de-sac with play sets and kids all around. There is a community pool and the new elementary school is within walking distance. We could have gotten a brand new house (I so love Missouri!) but decided for this one for the kids--it just seemed so great for children. Yay! Disclaimer: It isn't quite this beautiful in real life--pictures do it justice, but we're still in love.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Boys

I never wanted to be one of those parents who leaves their kids to go vaca--but now I am. Well, not so much a vacation, but a house-hunting trip to Kansas City. I have officially fallen in love with the northland and am so excited about our new move . . . But this post is about the darlings that I left behind.

I was a little concerned when Robbie called at 10:30 p.m. or when I asked Ty what he had for dinner and he said, "Nuffing . . . just lishlish (licorice)." But the Grandma-Detox was quick and the boys had such a great time that they are ready to do it again. I am so grateful for loving grandparents for my children.

Anyway, being away just overwhelmed me; I realized how much I need my little men and how dearly I love them. Here's to them.

This little chunk came with us and was an angel the whole time. (I just had to post the funny face pictures . . . so darling).

Imagine: Optimus Prime and Ironman battling all the invisible BAD GUYS with their light sabers. That was life this morning.
BYU fans just like Daddy

All three treasures!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ski Season's End

Rob had the great idea of equipping the entire family with ski equipment this year. We checked KSL religiously getting my skis for $10 and Rob's for $40. We found used ski boots at REI for Ty for $9. The final touch was when Rob's mom got him boots for graduation and some for me for my birthday. Perfect--now we just had to hit the slopes. We took the boys to Beaver Mountain. Robbie skiied down Little Beaver three times without help--a major feat! Ty skiied down the practice hill with me, but only so he could ride up the magic carpet to get back up the hill. They both were great.

Well, the other night, Rob surprised me with a much needed date night. He arranged for Kristen and Ryan to babysit while we went to Sundance for a perfect night of skiing. I was worried about falling since I'm on blood thinners and my muscles are totally atrophyied, but Rob stuck with me and let me make the pace. It was absolutely perfect. So fun!!! Thanks Rob.

Potty Trained!

No more days like this.
No, now he'll be outside with his jammie top, snow boots, and UNDERWEAR!!!

It was a breeze, really. We just needed the right motivator; for Ty it was gum. Rob simply took 12 packs of gum, put them on the fridge, and said, "Ty, if you go potty you get a piece of gum. When you ALWAYS go potty in the toilet, you get them all." Done. We're on day three with no mistakes including nights. Way to go Ty!