My friend Caetie gave me these darling linen suites! Though Ty's got my dad's long arms, long legs, and big feet, I'm afraid the suit is just plain small. I think part of the charm is that he looks hilariously huge in it--only cute little guys can pull that kind of fashion faux pas! Rob's secret career wish is to be a hairstylist, I think. He blowdries, mooses, gels, combs . . . he has a blast with the boys' hair.

And this is just a taste of my Saturdays in action. Yes, I have my own team of superheroes always to save me.
(Side note: Robbie and Ty love the Bible for all its heroic and miraculous stories. Well, the other day I came downstairs to hear the boys playing superheroes against the bad guys in Babylon. They are so perceptive and I was tickled that they were playing real heroes :))