Poor Rob drives his beater car about 35 min. each way to work--sometimes more or less depending on the hospital. But none the less, he is NOT fun to drive with. He guns the gas, slams on the breaks, rides everyone's tail--I can't stand it. Plus, he has grown overly impatient. I just make fun of him now since it stresses him so much to see a sight like this:
There were 8 RVs in a row, in the passing lane, a semi and slow car in the other two--Rob almost had an aneurysm. It's no wonder every time a semi passes in front of us, Robbie yells, "You've GOT to be kidding me!" from the back. He's learning from the commuter.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Deanna Rose Farm
I love this place! It's a drive--Overland Park--but worth it (mostly 'cause it's free!). We went with our friends, the Jones', and the kids had a great time. Weather was perfect. It was a good day!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Fat Bebe!
Every week, each of the boys has a special day with Mommy. Jimmy's day is usually spent napping, but this last week, he seemed to be overly conscious that his brothers weren't there. He kept looking out the window for them (so sweet!) As I was snapping pictures of the tender moment, I couldn't help but notice his ENORMOUS belly! I mean, we always call him "Fat Bebe" 'cause, well, he's fat! But this outfit seems to accentuate his curves! :) Huge belly, skinny calves--hilarious! Check out my darling baby fat man!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Super Saturday
It was a great day! It started with Robbie's T-ball practice (so great to watch! He's a little bit of a ball hog right now, running half way across the field and knocking over teammates to get the ball--but he'll learn. He's still in soccer mode, I think.) Then Rob took the boys to the Kansas City Speedway for a little NASCAR action! He got tickets from one of the doctors he works with. It was row 15. Super loud. Super fast. Super close. Super nauseating (poor Rob can't handle spinning.) The hot dogs were a foot long. They got to take a golf cart back to their car. It was an adventure. (I went shopping with only one child--it was like heaven!) Let it be noted that Robbie thought the sport far too dangerous and insisted he would NOT grow up to be a NASCAR driver. "I could crash!" He's right. Ty, on the other hand, thought it would be the coolest job in the world, and decided that he WILL be a race car driver when he grows up. "But I'll be careful," he says. He loved the tilted track! He kept showing me the angle with his hand. :)
Then we had a sweet pick up soccer game in our backyard. Four on four. Our neighborhood boys against Rob & Robbie and our friends Ross & Braden. They're starting to tear it up, I tell you! Homemade pizza for dinner. Yum! Then off to Worlds of Fun! It's a theme park by our house and we bought season passes for the family; I am so glad we did! We just stopped by for two hours and left--guilt-free! The kids slept like they were hibernating. Great day of memories!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
We feel so lucky to have the temple here. It has been chaotic the last few weeks with the open house and getting prepared for all the various celebrations etc. But so wonderful. We were able to take the boys through last week--they loved the baptismal font. And Rob last night got to work the parking lot--he totally had the best job: driving around on a golf card with an ear piece and walkie-talkie--figuring out which lots were full or empty. Isn't it beautiful!
Our Secret Weapon
Robbie's soccer skills have improved immensely--even just over the past week. But it's because we have a secret--Dillon! The boy in the green next to Robbie's name is Dillon. He moved here from Columbia a year ago, and is insane at soccer! He's on a club team here and you should see his footwork. Sure, he's only 11, but he's better than me, and can ball handle his way around Rob. So, we told him to teach Robbie. He and the other neighborhood boys come by and play games. It's taught Robbie what real passing looks like, how to keep his eye on the ball--even with a hulking body trying to hide it--and he's getting aggressive and fast. His buddy Braden came by yesterday to test his skills with the big kids too. Dillon is very protective of Robbie and always makes sure to build him up. It's great! And the big kids like it too--they actually come and knock on our door to play. I'd rather get to know the big kids in the neighborhood (they're whopping 5th and 6th graders!) on my grounds, too. It's a win win.
And don't worry . . . we don't leave Robbie to the wolves. We're always out there playing with him!
Vantage Point
This is what I see everyday as the boys come at me. Yes, they just . . . come. Jumping, karate chopping, leaping, superman-ing. I get clobbered regularly, but I love it. Jimmy is still in the initiation stages--playing the barbell mode. His time is coming. Now that he is walking everywhere, he is learning to lunge forward onto me. Just another reason I love being their mom--each day is an adventure. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Photogenic Couple
I don't think there is a single good picture of Rob and me. Our engagement pictures don't even look like us (it just had a sweet background) and my hair was AWFUL for my wedding. And . . . it's just gone downhill since. Since having kids, there are almost no pictures of us both together--one of us taking the picture of the other with the kids. I have just begun to realize that this has to be remedied. Our posterity needs to know we were in love and how we looked together, right? So, I tried. Just on Sundays since I actually have make-up on. And as you see . . . it was a disaster!
This one I call Squints. At least our singly-squinted eyes are next to each other . . . that's kind of cute, right?
I can't decide if I should call this one I want to EAT you or KILL you. Either way, it's a bad look, Rob.

This one is Apathy. I'm like the totally in-love girl whose man could care less--totally bored by her. It's not really what I am hoping to pass on to my grand kids.

I call this one Creeper.

And finally, Get Off of Me! Totally looks like true love in this one, right?
This one I call Squints. At least our singly-squinted eyes are next to each other . . . that's kind of cute, right?
I can't decide if I should call this one I want to EAT you or KILL you. Either way, it's a bad look, Rob.
This one is Apathy. I'm like the totally in-love girl whose man could care less--totally bored by her. It's not really what I am hoping to pass on to my grand kids.
I call this one Creeper.
And finally, Get Off of Me! Totally looks like true love in this one, right?
Life Lately
We've been loving the perfect weather! The other day I sat out front with my eyes closed as Rob played catch with the boys and it felt just like home! Warm and sunny with just a slight cool breeze--I could have sworn I was back in Ventura. So, we spend most of our time outside--planting new shrubs, flowers, and trees or playing some kind of sport. The boys ride bikes all day, and we go on a family bike ride pretty much everyday. The boys are troopers! We frequent a park about a mile away, but decided to take a detour back home. After a few construction and road blocks later, we found ourselves riding up and down steep hills and curvy bends for over six miles--a major feat for a three year old with twelve inch tires! They've made it clear they don't want to do it again! Even Jimmy cries when he sees the bike trailer! So funny!
This is what it looks like at our house nearly everyday. Toys everywhere. Every neighborhood kid in our driveway. It's great.
One of Robbie's chores is to mow a section of the yard each week. It looks pretty cute with his little hands clenched onto the handle, his whole body angled to get the thing to move.

Jimmy, as always, likes to copy.
The kids have been chillin' in homemade forts

Rob's been busy building shelves out of wood left here by the previous owners.

They look ready for summer to me.
One of Robbie's chores is to mow a section of the yard each week. It looks pretty cute with his little hands clenched onto the handle, his whole body angled to get the thing to move.
Jimmy, as always, likes to copy.
The kids have been chillin' in homemade forts
Rob's been busy building shelves out of wood left here by the previous owners.
They look ready for summer to me.
We got crafty a few days before.
Making cards for grandparents--pretty glitter-glue everywhere!
And, of course, dying eggs.
Ah, the aftermath! The boys dumped all the dye into a pot to see what color it would make. The spills only stained my counter temporarily!
But those smiles are worth it, right?
And then Easter came! The morning began with French toast and clues to their hiding baskets. And then, the hunt began . . .

And the loot . . .
Jimmy couldn't stay away from the peanut butter cups!
And, of course, dying eggs.
And then Easter came! The morning began with French toast and clues to their hiding baskets. And then, the hunt began . . .
And the loot . . .
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