Wednesday, November 14, 2012


 Found this "rock" under our roses after a rain storm. It was hissing and snapping--so freaky! So, Mr. Snapping Turtle, who was about 18 inches long, was shoveled into a bin and transported. (Thank you, Rob!)
 These two are becoming quite good friends. They're both mischievous and hilarious.
 That's right! (Robbie is my little photographer)
 (Can't figure out why these aren't horizontal, but whatever). Robbie left 6 of these forming a path to under my pillow, where I found . . .
 this. Sweet boy. So thoughtful. It was just because.
 Daddy does story time every night. We do family scriptures and prayer, and then while I put Jimmy to bed he spends time with the big boys. They always get one book and one scripture story from the Gospel Picture Kit.
 Ty got hooked the moment he lept into the air and caught his first football. So, they run routes now. With helmets.
 And . . . they tackle each other.
 Without pads.
 But no worries, Mom. Jimmy is still a wannabe!
 Scoot over! Seriously . . . I am destined to a lonely life alone on a chair, begging to watch something with pretty things while they watch boy stuff.
 Our house is the congregating place for all the kids in the neighborhood. So . . . this is just a typical afternoon.
 All the boys with their bows.  Yes, even Jimmy. No worries, his and Ty's arrows are blunted.
 A Jimmy face.
 A Ty thing. He wanted to try on all his ski gear. Two days in a row . . .
Robbie put this on his bedroom door. I'll translate: Boys allowed. No girls allowed unless they're my friend and Mom and Dad.  Guess that pretty much deters any bad girls that might be lurking.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bad Week

The washer broke the week before--awesome. Got it replaced with a Maytag toploader-- it's what my mom used when I was growing up; it's what Rob's mom used, too. Has to be good.

So, after doing a million loads of laundry--I thought that my "trial" for months was done. Wrong.
Robbie got croup.
Rob's mom had an emergency surgery.
Romney lost the election--yes, I cried.
I got my first mammogram--I always think I'm dying of something, right?
And then . . .

we discovered we have termites! Fabulous!

The boys were playing ball in the house; a ball hit the picture and a piece of paint fell to the floor. Rob looked behind the picture to see the damage and was shocked to find a destroyed wall!

But, there is good news. The company was very kind to us; they had issued a warranty, that had expired almost half a year ago, declaring there were no termites visible in our house. So, after I gave quite an argument, he treated the whole house for $375 (half the normal cost). Rob's mom is fine. Robbie's fine. I don't have breast cancer, just get to follow up in 6 months when I get my stent checked.

I'm still depressed about Romney.

Still, I am so grateful that things always turn out. My parents are eternal optimists! I call them crying or in distress all the time, it seems, and they always make my day sunny and my outlook positive. I love them!

Rob has surgery on Thursday. One more hurdle, but I think all will be well. Life is sweet, it really is.


He's like his daddy with sports. He literally will play all day. All the neighborhood kids come to play (and they're all like 12!) and he'll play until it's dark. He loves to watch sports, too. And during his games, he gets so competitive, it's hilarious! After each goal, he'll ask the ref the score, just to make sure he has the same tally as Robbie. But the best part is his ticked-off, don't mess with me face. Most kids smile after they score--not Robbie! He purses his lips, nostrils flared, and glares forward. It's so funny! 35 goals this season (in 8 games). He's amazing!
Everyday he asks for us to cut his hair; everyday we say no. How can we chop this beauty off?

He got straight As his first quarter (it's actually a number system, but it equals As). He is already where he needs to be for the end of the year in math and reading. He just needs to work on his handwriting; he makes beautiful letters, but the mechanics (top to bottom each time) and not using capitals is something he can work on. He's so wonderful and good. We love him.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


He still loves superheroes. Actually, one day I tried to pick up his Thor hammer, and he started crying, "No! You're not worthy!" Hilarious!
He's faster than lightning and is constantly having us race or time him.
He'll talk forever about everything--except his feelings. He'll shut right up if you ask him anything like that.
He's practicing his balance.
Loves the bath.
And is great at soccer. He scored 5 goals in 8 games! Second leading scorer on the team!


He looks like a Who in this picture--lovin' the hair!
He loves little kids. On his terms. Like his house. :) This is his friend Aubrey at our house for his first playdate.
He's like his brothers--reckless on the motorcycle.

When I tell him to smile, this is the face I get. Squints.

He's a soccer phenom. He can dribble like a champ. Every game is a challenge trying to keep him off the field.

Animal books are his love. He'll read them over and over again. He also loves Signing Time and Baby Genius animal movies (it's just video of animals to classical music).


Robbie's school party.
Carving at home

Jimmy kept saying, "Eew!" when he looked inside.

At the church trunk-or-treat. We were obviously in perfect safety . . . look at all the superheroes present!
I, of course, dressed in my usual . . .
The real deal . . . Jimmy's first door-to-door!
With their buddy, Roman.
The spoils.