Like his Grandpa Wilde, Robbie is obsessed with airplanes (and helicopters). We live by the hospital where we can hear and see the life flight helicopters land and take-off. When airplanes fly overhead, he will run outside to point them out. Well, for Robbie's birthday, my mom got him this airplane (as you see from the picture, flying it is very serious business). The propeller spins and makes an engine sound when you push a button. Robbie is in love with it. For days he wouldn't go anywhere without it. I taught his preschool at my house this week and had to leave it upstairs so that other kids wouldn't try and play with it (I knew that would only end in violence and tears!!!). Who knows, we just might have a pilot in the making.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Like Mama
Like all kids, Robbie loves to do whatever Mommy and Daddy are doing. If Rob is drinking V8, Robbie wants V8 (and pretends to like it 'cause Daddy does). If Mommy is sweeping, Robbie goes and grabs his little broom and sweeps too. I took these pictures this week of Robbie trying to immitate Mommy. What a little helper!
I made these little FALL blocks at my SAA Project Night this week. I was so excited to get out my fall decorations afterwards, so Robbie and I went to work. He climbed up on the chair and handed me all the pumpkins, corn, and leaves. This is him being proud of a job well done.
Whenever I bake, Robbie wants to help. Together we have made muffins and cupcakes in the last few weeks. Well, Robbie found a tube of lotion and realized that the consistency looked an awful lot like batter. He ran to the cupboard and grabbed this pan and started sqeezing the lotion into it. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "I cookin' it!"
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Tummy Time
Ty is started to smile and coo; we just love it. He enjoys his tummy time much more than Robbie did, but when he is done, he is done. About an hour ago Rob put him on his tummy Ty was quickly bored and started to fuss. When we didn't come to entertain, he simply rolled over. Rob put him back on his belly, but Ty rolled again. After four times of trying and Ty letting us know he did not want to be on his tummy, we picked him up. Looks like we are two-for-two in getting independent little guys.
Happy Birthday!
I can't believe that my little boy is TWO!!! Robbie turned two on the 8th and this weekend we had a little party for him. It was really great. We simply set up tents and tunnels (thanks Mom), his slide, balls, cars, and tons of balloons, and let the kids play. Before we knew it, the kids were sliding head first down the slide, through a tunnel and into a tent full of balloons (and other kids)!!! The event was topped off by my pathetic rendition of a pinata (I was too cheap to buy one, so I took paper bags and tied strings through the top, reinforcing it with duct tape) and cupcakes. It was a blast.
The Bow
Though it started out as a green branch and old rubber band, Daddy transformed it into something amazing! This is not just a bow--this is Robbie's best friend, his must-have companion when watching Robin Hood, his excuse for shooting with Daddy out back, and his latissmus dorsi builder. Just goes to show that you certainly don't need a lot of money to make a child happy--just an imagination!
Rob is offically in his second year of medical school (only 8 more to go)!!!! He got a week long break after finals and I wanted to show you some of the things we did. We were origionally planning a trip down to Branson, MO with some friends, but Hurricane Gustav hit and the weather was going to be bad. Instead, we went with a few families to Long Branch State Park--about 30 minutes from Kirksville, where the kids got to watch their daddys fish and set up camp. It was great fun and the kids loved it! Ty has never slept so well--a natural mountain man. I made the mistake of sleeping between the boys (both are bed hogs, as you see) so on one of my many moments of being awoken by stray arms, I took this sweet picture.
When we first moved into our ghetto apartment in Michigan, the previous tenant had left a couch and this little end table. We kept them both because we had no furniture, really. Well, after 6 years, we finally decided to refinish it. We were kind of impatient, so it is a little two-toned, but we figure that is trendy now anyway.
Monday, September 8, 2008
This week we finally bought Robbie his first bottle of Flinstone Vitamins--a momentous occasion in every child's life, we know. Of course he loved them and wanted more and more. We tried to explain that if he had too many he could get sick, but I suppose he thought he was willing to take the risk and contintued to cry and beg. Finally, Rob said, "Robbie, listen, you get one vitamin per day when you eat breakfast, okay?" Robbie suddenly was calm, even happy. I smiled and said, "See Rob, you just needed to explain it to him so he could understand." Before Rob could even respond, Robbie was climbing up his highchair and said, "Cereal, please . . . and a vitamin."
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Baby Blue Eyes
So many people have been asking, "Are Ty's eyes blue?" This, of course, would come as a shock since Rob and I both have brown eyes and Robbie's are extra-dark brown. But--Ty's eyes currently are blue. Rob thinks they will stay blue (Rob's dad's eyes are blue, so he thinks he will get the blue from him), but I think they will change. Only time will tell.

Wet Walk
Weather is so upredictable! About a week ago the little boy that mows the lawns on our street accidently broke a window on our car. Well, we live in a small town and it took almost 5 days to get fixed; fortunately, I had my stroller! Still, I was at a friend's house with the boys one day and decided I better get home to make dinner. Along the way the sky started to turn dark and eerie and before I knew it, rain was pounding on us!!! The big drops really didn't start until a block or two from the house, but I was still surprised at how well the boys did. Robbie loved it and Ty woke up just to see what was going on. 
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
So we were shopping in the store today and Rob gave Robbie some preserves to add to the cart. Needless to say, giving anything glass to an almost-two year old is often a mistake. Robbie dropped it and loudly said, "Doggonnit" (or however you spell it)! Rob and I both started cracking up--good thing we haven't been using "shorter" words in our house; could have been pretty embarrassing.
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