Monday, September 8, 2008


This week we finally bought Robbie his first bottle of Flinstone Vitamins--a momentous occasion in every child's life, we know. Of course he loved them and wanted more and more. We tried to explain that if he had too many he could get sick, but I suppose he thought he was willing to take the risk and contintued to cry and beg. Finally, Rob said, "Robbie, listen, you get one vitamin per day when you eat breakfast, okay?" Robbie suddenly was calm, even happy. I smiled and said, "See Rob, you just needed to explain it to him so he could understand." Before Rob could even respond, Robbie was climbing up his highchair and said, "Cereal, please . . . and a vitamin."


Sarah said...

haha. i love it--smart child.
Hey, is today his birthday? Happy birthday, Robbie!

K said...

Vitamins are a double edge sword. I still have the same problem with K and he's 10. He would eat a handful everyday if I let him. I have to put them in a "secret" place so he doesn't enjoy too many gummy-vites.

Wilde Mom said...

We've been thinking about Robbie. Hope he had a Happy Birthday.

DeAnne said...

Oh, Robbie. We miss that little boy! What a cute story. He is just way too smart!