Monday, December 14, 2009
Murder Mystery Party
Rob and I finally went to our first Murder Mystery Party this weekend (Rob's mom & brother drove down to babysit--so sweet!)! Rob was Dr. Conroy Splint (no surprise there. I'm sure he'll play "the doctor" for the rest of his life) and I was Katherine Woods, the wife of the murdered man. A few hours before the dinner, I scrambled to come up with my costume. Where am I going to get a bonnet? Watch out Martha Stewart! I concocted this little thing using a few stitches, glue, and staples--oh and the All Bran cracker box you can see from the picture (not quite as obvious in real life) and voila! We were ready for a great night!

Winter Wonderland
Though it came late, it came hard. We woke up Sunday morning with what looked like at least 3 feet of snow on the ground. A blast for the kids, and especially Rob who loved snow blowing and using the four wheeler's plow to clear our driveway and anyone else who would let him. But the real highlights were in these pictures.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Our Hot, Steamy Date Nights
It was time to add a little more excitement to our lives, so Rob and I decided it was time to . . .
get SCUBA certified!!
What a blast! For the last three weeks Rob and I have been taking classes and going diving, and this Thursday we finished our last class (it is great to have family around to babysit, too). It was a splurge for sure, but so worth it (and we got a screaming deal, too. $150! (of course, the equipment was just as much, but still...)).
Our last two nights were at the warm, and yes, steamy, crater in Midway. Rob and I were both a little leery of getting so deep since we had a hard time equalizing in the pool, but we ended up having no problem at all. Our last day was the best! We went to the bottom of the crater (62 ft.), only realizing later we weren't supposed to go that deep--oops! the water just wasn't the same after that. Rob repelled down the dive line, be both did somersaults, and hand stands... Rob even tried to see if we could just blow water into each others mouths and still breathe (I was a no go on that one). We had a great group, too, so we all came here afterwards for a little Scuba class party. Great memory! Now I just can't wait until Kauai in May!
get SCUBA certified!!
What a blast! For the last three weeks Rob and I have been taking classes and going diving, and this Thursday we finished our last class (it is great to have family around to babysit, too). It was a splurge for sure, but so worth it (and we got a screaming deal, too. $150! (of course, the equipment was just as much, but still...)).
Our last two nights were at the warm, and yes, steamy, crater in Midway. Rob and I were both a little leery of getting so deep since we had a hard time equalizing in the pool, but we ended up having no problem at all. Our last day was the best! We went to the bottom of the crater (62 ft.), only realizing later we weren't supposed to go that deep--oops! the water just wasn't the same after that. Rob repelled down the dive line, be both did somersaults, and hand stands... Rob even tried to see if we could just blow water into each others mouths and still breathe (I was a no go on that one). We had a great group, too, so we all came here afterwards for a little Scuba class party. Great memory! Now I just can't wait until Kauai in May!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Football Season
One of the many perks of living at my parents' house is being able to watch BYU games on the big screen upstairs; granted, I hate it too--Rob always seems to "disappear" for a half hour every here and there on Saturdays and Monday nights. Curious, no? Still, it was a great season for us and I'm already waiting for next year! Season Highlights:
Rob took Robbie to his first BYU football game! Our friends, the Maxfields, had extra tickets to the Air Force game (good tickets--row 14, 45yrd line, parking in Lot 1, and seat backs!! Does it really get better?). So Scott and Rob bundled up their little guys (Caden, 4, and Robbie, 3) and headed to Provo. Robbie loved the jets that flew overhead, but especially his hot dog and hot chocolate. He was scared at first because he thought he had to go out on the field and play with the big guys. He fell asleep at one point, actually. A week later we watched Rob play in the Turkey Bowl. Rob scored a touchdown, and I started cheering, "Yeah! Daddy scored a touchdown!" Robbie looks confused and says, "No he didn't. There weren't any fireworks!"
On every other game day, though, we had our own party here. My boys were very accustomed to barbecued brats with rotkohl and chips. Ty, I think, liked them the best!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hunter Man
He's got it bad. When I first met Rob, he liked football, fly fishing, and he wore nice clothes. It's been 8 years since we met. Now he likes politics, hunting, and he wears camo! After missing out this deer season, he wasn't going to let bird season come and go without a little meat to show for it. He went to Mount Sterling with his brother a few weeks ago and came back with this:
Apparently that experience only tickled his palate, because this weekend he and my brothers, Daniel and John, headed out to a hunting reserve about an hour away to have at it again. It was my brothers' first time hunting and they did great. Both got a pheasant their first shot (we are related to Wyatt Earp--it's gotta mean something, right?)
I think the major highlight this Hallween was decorating our entryway! I was going for a Fall Harvest theme, but Rob wanted the spooky spider webs, so we just did them both and had a blast. These pictures don't do it justice. There were orange lights and spiders dangling down. One of the little girls in Robbie's preschool refused to come into our house because she thought the webs were real! 

Robbie was a little dragon/dinosaur this year. He couldn't make up his mind about our ward's trunk-or-treat. He would go to a few trunks, get his goods and then say, "Okay, I have enough candy," and head back to our car. We went through three times before he had actually hit all the cars. When we got home we decided to do some real trick-or-treating, but since most of the homes in our tract are vacation homes, we had to drive from house to house on the 4-wheeler. It was a great new way to trick-or-treat.
Froggy Ty getting pumped for his first trick-or-treating experience.
He LOVED it! Getting and then keeping the candy in the bag was impossible for him. It went from hand to mouth so he had a very loney bag. Once he got the hang of the whole thing, he was just hilarious! One woman opened the door and Ty started screaming with excitment and then lunged for the candy in her arms! Enthusiastic, this one.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Garage Sale Heaven
(Not pictured: two bags full of boy clothes!)
My Budding Artist
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
This weekend we headed up to Logan for Rob's dad's 60th birthday, but that was only a brief part of the weekend--it was jam packed with fun!
"That's an understatement," I said with a smile.
"It is your fault, you know." Again--totally serious. By this point I was getting uncomfortable, but who gets mad at an old man? I just bit my lip. He started telling me about his 17 grandchildren.... He stopped only when Robbie ran down the hall to get a drink.
"That one is going to have to go to obedience school."
The NERVE! I was so mad. I went to the Stake President, a family friend, and told him what had happened. Turns out, the man is the Stake Patriarch! (And he has a very dry sense of humor.) Well, let's hope it was that sense of humor and not some kind of revelation that brought on our little "conversation."
We went to the most amazing pumpkin patch where you can go and pick your own pumpkin off the vine; all pumpkins are $2--big, small, green, orange. We, of course, picked the biggest ones we could find. There was also an apple orchard there, too, so Robbie helped himself while we lugged around the massive pumpkins. Aren't these great?
Up in the Mountains
We live next to so many beautiful waterfalls, springs, mountains, and parks, but have only visited a handful of them. Last week, we decided to take the kids to Cascade Springs--it's only 7 miles from our house and supposedly just gorgeous. We all piled into my brother's old truck, Buddy, and braved our way up the rocky road, only to find out that it was closed for road work that day (of course!!). Still, it was so lovely outside and we couldn't help but get out and explore the mountain anyway. The boys had a blast hopping the little spring; Robbie loved all the fallen leaves and a make-shift bridge he found (Daddy fell trying to go across it), and Ty was in heaven finding all the little sticks, leaves, and bugs on the ground. Hopefully we'll get to the springs at some point, but as it is supposed to snow tomorrow (yes, already!) it looks like it may be a few months.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Robbie is three! We love him so much. He is such an amazing big brother and a perfect helper to Mommy. I interviewed him on his birthday, and though half of these favorites are probably just the first thing that came to his mind, it was cute to get a glimpse.
List of Favorites
Movie: "Lighning Queen" (Cars)
Color: "You mean of markers?"
Best Friend: "Caden." (They met two weeks ago--he's a new neighbor)
Food: "Noodles."
Treat: "Black ones [Riesens] and Nemenems [M&Ms]."
Thing to do: "My bike."
Toy: "My bat."
Drink: "Water and milk."
Animal: "Um...elephants...and tigers."
Song: "Teach me all that I must do" [I Am a Child of God].
Thing to do with Grandma & Grandpa: "Um...that they give me presents and cake."
Thing to do with Daddy: "Um, just play with him football."
Thing to do with Ty: "Just football."
Thing to do with Mommy: "My bat [baseball]"
End of interview
We love you, Robbie!
List of Favorites
Movie: "Lighning Queen" (Cars)
Color: "You mean of markers?"
Best Friend: "Caden." (They met two weeks ago--he's a new neighbor)
Food: "Noodles."
Treat: "Black ones [Riesens] and Nemenems [M&Ms]."
Thing to do: "My bike."
Toy: "My bat."
Drink: "Water and milk."
Animal: "Um...elephants...and tigers."
Song: "Teach me all that I must do" [I Am a Child of God].
Thing to do with Grandma & Grandpa: "Um...that they give me presents and cake."
Thing to do with Daddy: "Um, just play with him football."
Thing to do with Ty: "Just football."
Thing to do with Mommy: "My bat [baseball]"
End of interview
We love you, Robbie!
No, this is not one of his birthday presents; we were at some friends' house and they had a child ATV and Robbie just loved it, but it reminds me of the type of boy Robbie is--so full of fun and adventure.
Robbie wanted eggs and bacon for breakfast, peanut butter and honey for lunch, and noodles for dinner (it doesn't so much matter what kind of noodles, as long as there is some kind of pasta involved). In the evening he went up to Wasatch State Park and got to fish on his new fishing pole--so exciting!
Swiss Days
Our sweet little town of Midway is home to Swiss Days--a cute little fair of great crafts and food. Half of the proceeds go to the General Missionary Fund, the other half go toward the city boosters, so it is a great cause and so much fun! I decided that I really wanted to embrace the whole experience this year, so I volunteered to make the famous Swiss Bread for a few hours one day, and I also volunteered at the Knochwurst & Sourkraut booth. My parents were in town, so I volunteered them too, and we had a total blast! I can't wait to do it next year.
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