This weekend we headed up to Logan for Rob's dad's 60th birthday, but that was only a brief part of the weekend--it was jam packed with fun!

Rob's baby brother, Matt, had his Eagle Scout Court of Honor. I was in
the hall the whole time with my loud, active little boys (mostly Ty). All of a sudden, an older man comes out of his office and says, in a totally serious voice, "Looks like your children have a streak of independence."
"That's an understatement," I said with a smile.
"It is your fault, you know." Again--totally serious. By this point I was getting uncomfortable, but who gets mad at an old man? I just bit my lip. He started telling me about his 17 grandchildren.... He stopped only when Robbie ran down the hall to get a drink.
"That one is going to have to go to obedience school."
The NERVE! I was so mad. I went to the Stake President, a family friend, and told him what had happened. Turns out, the man is the Stake Patriarch! (And he has a very dry sense of humor.) Well, let's hope it was that sense of humor and not some kind of revelation that brought on our little "conversation."

Every two minutes, Robbie would say, "I have an idea! Let's go jump on the trampoline!" After so many exhausting hours, no one was too excited to go with him (as you can see from the picture with Aunt Kristen, it wasn't exactly a relaxing experience) so we got out an archery target to serve as his stepping block to get on the tramp himself--whenever he wanted.

Ty loves animals--all animals. Bandit is the Haas family mutt; he's hugely overweight, arthritic, and 100 years old (in dog years). He has been known to snap at the kids if they pet him on his side, but Ty just smacks him on the head all day, and both seem to be content.

Rob isn't the only gun fanatic in the family; he gets it from his father, Robert. Robert's gun case just couldn't fit the ever-growing family collection of firearms, so for his birthday, we got him a Liberty gun safe. We were so proud. We got it on sale and successfully brought it home; we only overlooked one thing: STAIRS! the safe had to go up two flights of stairs in order to fit him Robert's bedroom. After over an hour of thoughtfully
maneuvering the 600 lb. beast, it was successfully installed! This picture is of Matt and Kane lifting it into the bedroom.

Ty loved feeding the ducks at the Willow Park Zoo. Robbie was done with it after getting bit by a greedy duck, but Ty couldn't get enough of it.
Wheelbarrow rides after church.

Robbie's tramp hair

We went to the most amazing pumpkin patch where you can go and pick your own pumpkin off the vine; all pumpkins are $2--big, small, green, orange. We, of course, picked the biggest ones we could find. There was also an apple orchard there, too, so Robbie helped himself while we lugged around the massive pumpkins. Aren't these great?

Grandpa and Robbie at the Pumpkin Wash.

Robbie's pick.
Cute, cute, cute! I can't believe how enormous those pumpkins are. My kids would be totally jealous. Hopefully we luck out at the pumpkin patch next week!
I can totally see you in Robbie in the last picture of him at the pumpkin patch. Sounds like a fun filled weekend. I hope the clean up in the basement is over with.
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