Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Shirt

It's a little bit of a joke in the family that Rob thinks he's some kind of a mountain man. He tries to hunt, buys camo, wears flannel, talks about owning a farm someday--it's really all hilarious to me (though Rob is totally serious). Well, when Robbie was born, I bought this flannel shirt for him as a joke (so Rob could have his own little outdoorsy son). Well, Rob loved the shirt (surprise, surprise). Now it is Ty's turn to wear the gettup (by the way, Rob dressed Ty in it for church the other week--sheesh!). Anyway, I wanted to post the pictures of both boys so you could see how they are alike and different at the same age.
Robbie and Mommy

Ty and Mommy


Wilde Mom said...

You look great Kyrsten! The shirts cute too. I have a little flannel for Seth that fits in to that category. :)

Kara said...

I am so sorry that the boys have been sick! I wish I would've known so that I could have helped you somehow. Your boys are so cute!

Laura Waltz said...

My in-laws got Parker a flannel onsie before he was born. I didn't even know they made flannel in to onsies! :D

The boys look adorable in it! They do look quite different though. I can't wait to see what Ty's hair turns out to be like. Do you think he'll get curls too?

K said...

I love the flannel shirt! You look the exact same, darling as ever. So much fun to have photos to compare the two of them in the same outfit. Now that's a fun family tradition you've started!

Jenny said...

Wow are they really the same age in those pictures. Ty looks tiny by comparison.