Saturday, May 16, 2009


As most of you know, there was a level 3 tornado in Kirksville on Wednesday. We were fortunate enough to be safe (we were curled up in our cold garage listening to the weather radio). Some of our friends had their houses ruined, though, but they are safe and in good spirits. We went over there today and our friend Dave, whose house was hit, told us to go in the house to get some pictures. These are all taken from his place.
His backyard area. Huge trees were snapped in half. Siding, glass, and insulation were everywhere.

Our friends' (it was a duplex) roof was blown off and thrown into this house--creating all this damage. This house is about 200 yards from our friends'.

Inside the house. This was taken from an upstairs bedroom.

Our prayers go out to those who were affected.

1 comment:

K said...

That is so scary. I'm so glad you everyone is safe.