Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Big Fat Excuse!

So I've had a few people ask to post a picture of my growing self--always a pleasure, right? Wrong. I got on the scale two weeks ago and my checkup and saw that I am only 9 lbs shy of what I DELIVERED Ty at! No worries; three months to go. But, I do have an excuse . . . I get fat shots. Well, sort of. Rob has to inject me with progesterone weekly in hopes that I won't have any complications this pregnancy. Side effect: sore muscles and an increase in appetite. Awesome. So there it is.


Wilde Mom said...

Beautiful! I love your shirt too.

Laura Waltz said...

I had to click on the photo to enlarge it and I still don't think you look big at all! You look great, and I'm happy that this pregnancy seems to be going well for you.

Sarah said...

Oh you still look small! I hope everything goes well until the end!

Jaime said...

You are the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen! Congrats on another sweet boy, I am so glad this pregnancy is better for you! See you in May, hopefully!

Tiffany said...

You are darling pregnant! I've been wondering how this pregnancy is going for you! Hope you are doing well! (I had to do the progesterone shots too- not fun!)