Jimmy loves feeling like a big boy. He loves being held up high where he can see and feel like a boss. His new found love is cars--anything that moves makes him giggle and scream. He's such a delight, giving slobbery wet kisses now and touching our faces in love--but a tough little guy, too. He already has started pulling the boys' hair when he's mad at them or screaming and fighting for toys that he wants. Growing pains, right? Just growing pains.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Jimmy loves feeling like a big boy. He loves being held up high where he can see and feel like a boss. His new found love is cars--anything that moves makes him giggle and scream. He's such a delight, giving slobbery wet kisses now and touching our faces in love--but a tough little guy, too. He already has started pulling the boys' hair when he's mad at them or screaming and fighting for toys that he wants. Growing pains, right? Just growing pains.
Fiberglass Swords
As most of you know, I am proud of my Armenian heritage, and with that comes the passing on of traditions. I have vivid memories of making Pahklova with my mom every Christmas (like Baklava, but Armenian style). My job was to brush the dough with butter. Well, I thought my boys were ready, and just like I remember, they LOVED painting the thin dough ("Is this paper?" Robbie asked!) and helping mommy. I hope they do this with their kids too.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Dream Crusher
My mom was dubbed "Dream Crusher" a few years back. It seemed that every time we had a new dream or avenue we wanted to explore, she would point out all of the "potential issues" that we would need to attack. No fun. Total dream crusher,right? (To her defense, she is highly optimistic and supportive of each of us, always encouraging--just with an added taste of reality.)
Well, I am sad to say, I've become that person. As I've said before, Ty has a new found passion for art. After limiting the amount of paper he could color each day, and putting a nix on the body art, he found an alternative to his "canvas" problem: the carpet! But the best part is that he used permanent marker! Oh yes, blue marker all over to forever tell his story!
(He wasn't exactly happy when I told him he had to clean it up and, well, it refused to be cleaned!)

So, the markers got put up--way up! But Ty's little imagination couldn't be shelved. Oh no. Instead, I got . . .
Clothes Mosiac--notice that the shirts aren't just dumped in a pile, but evenly strewn about the floor. So lovely.
And my missing mixing bowls served as a metal tree statue in the shadow of our Christmas tree.
So, I give up. Ty is a horse that can't be broken--I love that about him. He is spirited and determined and proud.
Well, I am sad to say, I've become that person. As I've said before, Ty has a new found passion for art. After limiting the amount of paper he could color each day, and putting a nix on the body art, he found an alternative to his "canvas" problem: the carpet! But the best part is that he used permanent marker! Oh yes, blue marker all over to forever tell his story!
(He wasn't exactly happy when I told him he had to clean it up and, well, it refused to be cleaned!)
So, the markers got put up--way up! But Ty's little imagination couldn't be shelved. Oh no. Instead, I got . . .
So, I give up. Ty is a horse that can't be broken--I love that about him. He is spirited and determined and proud.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Ode to My Lifelines
It's like magic. Though I talk to both of my parents almost daily (not because I am the overly dependent child who never grew up, okay maybe a little, but because they are truly my dear friends and confidants) somehow they always know when to call or what to say or do to make everything better.
When I was going through another one of my ridiculous health dramas, my Dad sent me an e-card with this message (yes, I saved it!)
"Dear Kyrsten, First, I love you. No father could love a daughter more than I love you. Second, I am so proud of you at so many levels!! Third, I have a clear impression that you are going to live a long full life and there is no need to be overly concerned. Go ahead and buy green bananas and buy a 2012 calendar. They are good investments. Love, Dad"
It is so my dad and so what I needed. I laughed and cried. He never fails to make me feel safe and loved. He is contagiously optimistic and full of wisdom. I am so lucky to have him as mine! I love you, Daddy.
I was having one of those fabulous weeks where nothing seems to go right and all that's wrong I make Rob's fault. :) My mom has a way of clearing my mind. She talks me through my thoughts and feelings until I find the root of my "issue." Then, she has me think of solutions (trying to make them my ideas). It works every time. Somehow I get off the phone happy and skippy when before the call I was a slug. My situation didn't change, just my perspective and attitude.
The other day I was being difficult. I had just started talking to my mom when Rob says, "Tell your mom you're being mean to me!" We all had to laugh, since somehow I am madly in love with Rob every time I get off the phone with her!
My parents are hilarious! They are spunky and playful. They are thoughtful and kind. They are genuine and faithful. I admire them so much. I love you!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The day was great! We watched Rob play a little football in the morning, went on a perfect bike ride, put up our Christmas decorations, and ate! Love holidays! Love family!
Robbie stuck to the potatoes and rolls. Rob showed him the neck of the turkey when he was gutting it--I don't think he was quite ready for it. Rob went on to explain that we eat the muscle. Robbie wouldn't eat meat for days. Finally he overheard me telling Ty (my carnivore) the other day how tall and strong he'll be for eating so much meat. Robbie immediately asked for two chicken nuggets. Smart boy!
Jimmy fought sleep the entire meal.
Rob stuck with tradition, wearing the exact same, hideous, orange flannel he wears every year; and as always, he carved the turkey he cooked.

Ty was thrilled all day. He says he's starving like every 10 minutes--but really, he just loves to eat!
Robbie stuck to the potatoes and rolls. Rob showed him the neck of the turkey when he was gutting it--I don't think he was quite ready for it. Rob went on to explain that we eat the muscle. Robbie wouldn't eat meat for days. Finally he overheard me telling Ty (my carnivore) the other day how tall and strong he'll be for eating so much meat. Robbie immediately asked for two chicken nuggets. Smart boy!
Ty was thrilled all day. He says he's starving like every 10 minutes--but really, he just loves to eat!
I know it is hard to believe, but I was once shy. Rob was so shy that he would hide from his own grandparents. Needless to say, it isn't a complete shocker that our children have timid tendencies. :) My cure was performing! My parents put me in Talent Sprouts, a singing/dancing group. I loved the attention--I became a star and from then on I was cured. Apparently Robbie doesn't get the same kind of rush from being front and center. This was him at his preschool Thanksgiving performance--I can't help but crack up when I see these pictures!

What a ham! :)
What a ham! :)
Saturday, November 26, 2011
My Little Artist
It isn't uncommon for Ty to run to my bed in the morning and ask for "crackers with cream" (aka Triscuts with cream cheese) or "paint". He can color or paint all day, but since the weather has gotten gloomy, he's taken his passion to a new extreme. (He really has three passions in life: Superheroes, sugar, and art.) He came downstairs the other day like this:
His explanation was a simple, "I was trying to give myself power." He later told Rob, "I just wanted to be strong." So sweet and innocent, but so not cute all over his skin.
He needed a new creative outlet, since I gave him a no-go on the tattoo thing, and so, he has been "making beautiful pictures," non-stop. This little pile is from ONE day!!!
But, there is a bright side. The thoughtful little child always makes them for the most special person in his life:
Me! (For some reason the picture is loading sideways, but that's okay. You get it!)
He needed a new creative outlet, since I gave him a no-go on the tattoo thing, and so, he has been "making beautiful pictures," non-stop. This little pile is from ONE day!!!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Grateful for my Man!
I'm speaking on Sunday about gratitude and it has really forced me to change my attitude this week. I've turned lately into a... I'm not really sure. I like things MY way. Rob's gone all the time, so I get into my routine and can't stand it if it is broken. It is broken every time he is home--without fail. But I tried to nag less this week and realize that I should be grateful he wants to go on a bike ride when there are dishes all over the place. I should be grateful he always has a work/fun agenda. He makes me laugh everyday--even when I am mad at him, he can make me fall over laughing. Love him so much!
Our bathroom fan broke a few weeks ago, and I just didn't want to try and figure it out myself. But Rob came to the rescue. He not only replaced the fan, but he cleaned up afterward.
Like I said, Rob works hard, but he plays hard. Here's a little turkey bowl action. I could watch him play all day. Babe's still got it!
I came home from the store to find Rob on the roof, and Robbie and Ty hanging out of their unscreened bedroom window. Think thankful thoughts--he risked his life to decorate my house!
He just installed blinds in our basement tonight. He's amazing. I'm so grateful for you, Rob.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Farewell Fireballs
Soccer season is officially over. Though he has started basketball, soccer is his true love--always wanting to play and practice. Go figure--the one sport Rob doesn't love, his son does! So ironic! They celebrated at Minsky's with the team and got to eat from the biggest pizza any of the boys had seen! 'Till next year . . .
Jimmy K
My baby is growing so fast, I can hardly stand it. He got his two bottom teeth (within a few days of each other) about two weeks ago, and is really only content standing now (though he'll only do it if he's distracted. If we try to get him to stand, he immediately sits.)Everything still goes to the mouth (hence the pictures)--more teeth must come, right?--and he eats everything! Hamburger, curry, chili--as long as it has texture, he's in heaven. 

Poor little guy got croup from his brothers, though, so has not been himself the past few days. This is him watching a football game with Rob--nothing soothes a man's sole like a little BYU, right?
It must have done the trick, 'cause last night he had plenty of energy and laughs while Daddy gave him blanket rides all over the room! Look at that crazy hair!
Poor little guy got croup from his brothers, though, so has not been himself the past few days. This is him watching a football game with Rob--nothing soothes a man's sole like a little BYU, right?
It must have done the trick, 'cause last night he had plenty of energy and laughs while Daddy gave him blanket rides all over the room! Look at that crazy hair!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Livin' the Dream
I've loved boys for as long as I can remember. I distinctly remember having a crush as a Sunbeam and in preschool. Maybe that's why I am a lone woman in a house of dudes. What's so weird to me, though, is that boys don't seem to care much about girls. Weird, huh? As a matter of fact, they've got some kind of BOY POWER thing going on!
The boys were at their friend Carter's house the other day, and they had to listen their "Boys Theme Song" for their "Boy Club". Then Ty had some friends over, and his buddy Masen came in very concerned that they needed a "No Girls Allowed" sign. Robbie made it and put it on the table so they could play in peace!
You are what you wear!
Each child really is a unique little person. My kids' personalities seriously correspond with their clothes! Robbie is so methodical, responsible, careful . . . he lays out his clothes the night before and is careful to make sure everything matches. I'm not really sure what the dressing process is to Ty, all I know is that there doesn't seem to be any kind of organization to the chaos. He regularly has something on backwards. The other day at playgroup, I had to explain why he had on a tank top and snow boots. 
This is Ty before church. Nothing says reverence like a mesh football jersey over a collared shirt!

Last night Rob's mom called and asked each of the boys what he wanted for Christmas. Ty had a catalog of ideas! "I want a motorcycle, but my mom and dad won't let me. I have to be sixteen" (Try never! We just tell him he can't drive 'till he's 16, he likes to assume that means he'll get a bike then.)
"So," he went on, "I want a Captain America with a car. Wait! No, I want a Green Lantern with arms and legs . . ." (He lost his Green Lantern and is stuck with only a PEZ one right now.)
When we handed the phone to Robbie, he kindly said, "I don't really know yet. I'm still thinking about it."
It's so characteristic of them, Rob and I couldn't help but laugh!
Last night Rob's mom called and asked each of the boys what he wanted for Christmas. Ty had a catalog of ideas! "I want a motorcycle, but my mom and dad won't let me. I have to be sixteen" (Try never! We just tell him he can't drive 'till he's 16, he likes to assume that means he'll get a bike then.)
"So," he went on, "I want a Captain America with a car. Wait! No, I want a Green Lantern with arms and legs . . ." (He lost his Green Lantern and is stuck with only a PEZ one right now.)
When we handed the phone to Robbie, he kindly said, "I don't really know yet. I'm still thinking about it."
It's so characteristic of them, Rob and I couldn't help but laugh!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Learning and Growing Up
With basketball season beginning this week, I told Robbie he HAD to learn to tie his shoes. He did it! He's officially a shoe-tie-er!
Rob and I both were in speech as children. I had a lisp. Rob couldn't say his Rs. Robbie got a little bit of both of us! I always thought it was cute and wasn't a big deal yet (he's not even in Kindergarten!) until I realized that his writing is affected. He writes notes to Rob and tapes them on the garage door so Rob has a little surprise on his late nights. I saw one note was "FWUM Robbie." In another he explained his pictures as "DIS is . . ."
What I love about Robbie is he is determined and wants to do things right. I started working with him, and now for the last two weeks, every R sounds like a car engine and his THs are so deep on his tongue he spits. He's doing great! Last night, the note was "FRUM Robbie". Love this kid.
It's a Haas trait, really--always talking about government corruption, how they've been wronged etc. It's almost a family joke now. Well now I see how the "trait" is being perpetuated. This morning the boys were counting out money they have been saving; Robbie wants a new bow and Ty wants The Flash action figure. Robbie had his money all lined up and was proud to announce he finally had enough.
"Well, you are actually going to need more than that, 'cause the tax," Rob says.
"What's that?"
"It's money the government takes from you."
I step in here--"It's for roads and lights . . ."
"Yeah that's some of it, but they waste a bunch of the money too," Rob finishes.
I give him the big-eyed-Seriously!-look and he shuts up.
A few hours later I hear them in the boys' room; Rob's with them. Somehow the topic of stealing is brought up.
"No, we NEVER steal money," Rob says emphatically.
"Yeah," Robbie agrees. "Only bad guys steal money, like the Egg Grabber-Napper on Chip-n-Dale or the government!"
I rush into the room to see a huge smile on Rob's face, looking down at the ground. He doesn't look up, but says, "Heard that, huh?"
Freezer Meals
My friend Amber invited me to try out this freezer meal group--I was a little leery at first, but am now sold! You make ten freezer meals and then get nine other meals in exchange--so fabulous. Goodbye 5:00 panic!
I made Red-and-white Mostaccioli (Thank you Aimee and Food Nanny). Two pounds of butter, one gallon of cream, and ten pounds of cheese later . . .
This is me at dinnertime now. No mess. No hassle. Just me and my oven!
This is me at dinnertime now. No mess. No hassle. Just me and my oven!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Darling Little Dudes
My friend Caetie gave me these darling linen suites! Though Ty's got my dad's long arms, long legs, and big feet, I'm afraid the suit is just plain small. I think part of the charm is that he looks hilariously huge in it--only cute little guys can pull that kind of fashion faux pas! Rob's secret career wish is to be a hairstylist, I think. He blowdries, mooses, gels, combs . . . he has a blast with the boys' hair.

And this is just a taste of my Saturdays in action. Yes, I have my own team of superheroes always to save me.
(Side note: Robbie and Ty love the Bible for all its heroic and miraculous stories. Well, the other day I came downstairs to hear the boys playing superheroes against the bad guys in Babylon. They are so perceptive and I was tickled that they were playing real heroes :))
And this is just a taste of my Saturdays in action. Yes, I have my own team of superheroes always to save me.
(Side note: Robbie and Ty love the Bible for all its heroic and miraculous stories. Well, the other day I came downstairs to hear the boys playing superheroes against the bad guys in Babylon. They are so perceptive and I was tickled that they were playing real heroes :))
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