My baby is growing so fast, I can hardly stand it. He got his two bottom teeth (within a few days of each other) about two weeks ago, and is really only content standing now (though he'll only do it if he's distracted. If we try to get him to stand, he immediately sits.)Everything still goes to the mouth (hence the pictures)--more teeth must come, right?--and he eats everything! Hamburger, curry, chili--as long as it has texture, he's in heaven.

Poor little guy got croup from his brothers, though, so has not been himself the past few days. This is him watching a football game with Rob--nothing soothes a man's sole like a little BYU, right?

It must have done the trick, 'cause last night he had plenty of energy and laughs while Daddy gave him blanket rides all over the room! Look at that crazy hair!
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