Though Rob is 31 and is married with children, I think he still never felt like a grown up. Why?
A. He was still in school
B. He didn't have a paycheck
C. We moved like nomads, mooching housing from our parents a few times
But now . . .
A. He's graduated
B. He's getting paid (well, in a few weeks)
C. He owns a house.
Still, I think he lacked his manhood until Saturday when he mowed his own lawn, with his own lawn mower. Finally, he's made it!
(It only took 70 minutes--midwest yards are enormous! Our neighbors offered their riding lawn mowers, but Rob would have none of that! We all took turns pushing it with our used Toro we are so proud of!
Congrats Babe! You can relax now . . . you've made it--you're a MAN!
Congratulations Rob (well, all of you really)! So happy you have your first house. I hope the house treats you well over the next few years.
congrats we all get to that point hopefully sometime. We just did ours this year for the first time. After finally landscaping it last fall we mowed it for the first time about a month ago. I am just glad that I have a husband willing to help when I need it. It takes us about the same time to mow as it does Rob. We miss you guys and glad your doing well.
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