Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Allstars! These two can whack a baseball farther than me (which really probably isn't saying much--not really my forte, you know)! Taking these pictures was like risking my life. Those balls (yes, whiffle balls) fly so fast and hard, I actually shutter. So cute. Rob has them all coached with form etc. and actually pitches (like REALLY pitches the ball). I'm so proud!

I get one of two looks everywhere I go. 1. Wow! What a darling little family with such precious sons. 2. You are in way over your head--crazy, irresponsible . . . three boys with the oldest 4 years old! Eew.
But whatever people think, the truth is that I have a blessed life and I am grateful for my little men. They fill my life with laughter and frustration. Just this week I've been having major discipline issues with Ty. He is a FIGHTER to say the least. The kid is completely unbreakable, I swear. So he bullies both brothers, hitting for no reason (hard) and totally defiant. But any type of discipline he somehow twists it around to make it a good thing! Let me give you a taste.
"Ty, okay, no treats then . . ."
He gives me the "Oh please" look. "Mom, I don't eat sugar anymore. It's bad for you."
"Time out Ty! Go to your room!"
He doesn't budge.
"Okay, I'm going to have to take you myself!" This used to generate some fight . . . no longer. I heft him up and head up the stairs.
"Whew! I'm on a choo-choo train! Whoo! Whoo!" Now its a ride.
What works the best? Being sapily nice. "I love you, Ty. Would you please . . ." I've noticed the best results come when I ask in an overly high, fairy-like voice. And if I do all that right, I get him to do what I ask . . . about 75% of the time. I just figure this will be a GOOD personality trait someday. He'll stick to his guns and no one or nothing will change his mind; now its just getting him to stand up for good things.
Robbie, on the other hand, is in the mode to please the ladies. Yes, he's already on the prowl. His new heartthrob is a little girl named Katelyn. He picks his outfits out the day before he knows he's gonna see her. He wore an all-white ensamble one day, explaining that it made him "look hot," and a black shirt bowling "'cause it makes [his] muscles look big." So cute.
But whatever people think, the truth is that I have a blessed life and I am grateful for my little men. They fill my life with laughter and frustration. Just this week I've been having major discipline issues with Ty. He is a FIGHTER to say the least. The kid is completely unbreakable, I swear. So he bullies both brothers, hitting for no reason (hard) and totally defiant. But any type of discipline he somehow twists it around to make it a good thing! Let me give you a taste.
"Ty, okay, no treats then . . ."
He gives me the "Oh please" look. "Mom, I don't eat sugar anymore. It's bad for you."
"Time out Ty! Go to your room!"
He doesn't budge.
"Okay, I'm going to have to take you myself!" This used to generate some fight . . . no longer. I heft him up and head up the stairs.
"Whew! I'm on a choo-choo train! Whoo! Whoo!" Now its a ride.
What works the best? Being sapily nice. "I love you, Ty. Would you please . . ." I've noticed the best results come when I ask in an overly high, fairy-like voice. And if I do all that right, I get him to do what I ask . . . about 75% of the time. I just figure this will be a GOOD personality trait someday. He'll stick to his guns and no one or nothing will change his mind; now its just getting him to stand up for good things.
Robbie, on the other hand, is in the mode to please the ladies. Yes, he's already on the prowl. His new heartthrob is a little girl named Katelyn. He picks his outfits out the day before he knows he's gonna see her. He wore an all-white ensamble one day, explaining that it made him "look hot," and a black shirt bowling "'cause it makes [his] muscles look big." So cute.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Happy Anniversary!!! We've been married 9 years now! Can't believe it! To celebrate we went ALL out! Went to see Harry Potter 7 and then I had Freddy's (great burgers!) and Rob ate leftovers! Awesome, I know. I am more in love with Rob now than ever. He's a wonderful man, fabulous father, hard worker, and totally funny (there are very few who get to know the real Rob humor; to all of you who haven't . . . you're missing out!) I still love to reminisce about our early days of dating. Oh how I obsessed over him, stalked him (no, seriously) . . . he was my "Beautiful" and I was his, oh wait . . . I was invisible! (at least for a little while). So glad I finally caught his eye! Love you, Babe! Can't wait for nine more . . .
Wild Hair
My boys have awesome hair! It's just how mine was when I was little--kind of straight, kind of curly, kind of soft, kind of course. It doesn't make for very cute girl hair, but on a boy . . .golden! We can fro it, curl it, slick it--it's fabulous. Little Jimmy's will be the same, I'm sure. Right now, however, he is having some serious hair problems. His blonde fuzz is coming in, leaving long brown hairs only in a mohawk bang kind of thing and a hideous mullet in the back. So hilarious! Rob wants to shave it, but I won't let him--it's too funny. Still, in time, I'm sure he will have hair just as unpredictably fabulous as his brothers. Let's hope.
Monday, July 18, 2011
4th of July
We had a great 4th. Rob got off just in time to come to a BBQ with some friends. But the best part, hands down, is the fireworks here! Oh my gosh! I have never seen the like! So everyone lights those enormous stadium fireworks--everyone! We went onto our deck and just looked out at a sky full of light--it was the best fireworks show ever! The kids stayed up late watching them all; every time I walked passed their bedroom their were at their window looking out at the sky. So fun.

(yeah, it took three men to figure out how to light the lady bugs. hilarious!)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
It's the only thing that makes life livable out here. No seriously, it is like scorching and humid--a really uncomfortable, terrible feeling. My brother Jaron and I have been comparing our heat indexes over the phone (he's in Texas). We're not really sure who is winning--basically we are both miserable once outside. So...we rely on water!
Robbie is just a born fish. He dives to the bottom and does crazy jumps and somersaults. Ty is much more cautious, or at least was until this week. Now he launches himself in after Robbie (wearing floaties, of course), and just yesterday he said he wanted to learn to swim without floaties. I've been in a state of panic ever since. He has a false sense of skills. He kicks and kicks and sinks and sinks only to be pulled up with a beaming face and a happy voice that says, "Did you see that!" Needless to say, we had a long talk about floaties and always being with Mommy or Daddy; going to the pool isn't going to be as relaxing anymore.
Little Jimmy had his first little turn, too. Just like the others, he is made for water and absolutely loved it.

Robbie is just a born fish. He dives to the bottom and does crazy jumps and somersaults. Ty is much more cautious, or at least was until this week. Now he launches himself in after Robbie (wearing floaties, of course), and just yesterday he said he wanted to learn to swim without floaties. I've been in a state of panic ever since. He has a false sense of skills. He kicks and kicks and sinks and sinks only to be pulled up with a beaming face and a happy voice that says, "Did you see that!" Needless to say, we had a long talk about floaties and always being with Mommy or Daddy; going to the pool isn't going to be as relaxing anymore.
Little Jimmy had his first little turn, too. Just like the others, he is made for water and absolutely loved it.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Sweet Ty is now a big three! After the first thirty minutes or so of Ty insisting that he didn't want a "birfday," Rob asked if he could help Jimmy open up some of the presents (that we would of course bring back since there was no birthday to celebrate). Once Green Lantern was revealed, it was party time! We started out with a breakfast of pancakes with sprinkles and chocolate chips and then headed to FUN RUN for a little Jolly Jump heaven. Friends came over for slip 'n' sliding and cupcakes, and the day ended with a whole lot of super hero action. We love this little guy.
Ty has an amazing imagination and fabulous explanations for his actions. (For example, he wears all his underwear backwards so that he can see the super heroes printed on the bottom.) He is kind and energetic and loves his family. As always, I did the traditional interview, and, as always, let me add the disclaimer that this is just what Ty said that day--an hour later his favorites could all change.
What's your favorite:
Color: Purple
Food: Soup, bean soup
Dessert: Ice cream with brownies
Drink: Juice. Black juice. The kind that is black and then you put water in it.
Candy: Gum--bubble gum
Animal: Mountain lion (roar!)
Toy: Green Lantern (He actually didn't even own the toy during the interview. As I said before--great imagination!)
Movie: Tale Spin
Best Friend: Caden
Sport: Baseball
What do you want to be when you grow up? Green Lantern (I asked him the day before and he said "A Dad." Robbie said, "A pilot or a lawn mower guy.")
What's your favorite thing to do with Daddy: Play baseball
With mommy: Choo-choo trains
Robbie: Shrug.
Here are a few pictures I took of him this week. We love you, Ty. Happy Birthday!

Ty has an amazing imagination and fabulous explanations for his actions. (For example, he wears all his underwear backwards so that he can see the super heroes printed on the bottom.) He is kind and energetic and loves his family. As always, I did the traditional interview, and, as always, let me add the disclaimer that this is just what Ty said that day--an hour later his favorites could all change.
What's your favorite:
Color: Purple
Food: Soup, bean soup
Dessert: Ice cream with brownies
Drink: Juice. Black juice. The kind that is black and then you put water in it.
Candy: Gum--bubble gum
Animal: Mountain lion (roar!)
Toy: Green Lantern (He actually didn't even own the toy during the interview. As I said before--great imagination!)
Movie: Tale Spin
Best Friend: Caden
Sport: Baseball
What do you want to be when you grow up? Green Lantern (I asked him the day before and he said "A Dad." Robbie said, "A pilot or a lawn mower guy.")
What's your favorite thing to do with Daddy: Play baseball
With mommy: Choo-choo trains
Robbie: Shrug.
Here are a few pictures I took of him this week. We love you, Ty. Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
A Little Love
It was once solid wood and a favorite of my moms. She had a cute little cushion on the bench seat . . . but then the dogs got to it. The arms were eaten off and scratches were gouged into like every inch of the wood. Still, I hated to see it go. Finally, after lugging it along the last three moves, it was time to become presentable. So, with a lot of wood putty and some paint later . . . viola!
The Fountains at Crown Center
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
"Mom, bad guys go poop on their moms." This totally made me laugh. He's a genius, really. I mean poop is like the grossest thing ever to a two-year-old, and to do it on your mom! The ultimate disrespect! Yep, that is definitely BAD and I am sure bad guys do it.
K: "What does it mean to repent?"
T: Shrug. "I think it's Spanish."
We were in church and Ty saw the picture of the lamb and the lion. Ty stops and says, "Mom, that's a picture of when Jesus turns into a lion!" He saw Narnia at Grandma's house.
We were reading a book yesterday and I started asking Ty questions. "What is a baby dog called?"
"Baby Dog."
I laugh.
"Where do ducks live?"
"In lakes."
"What's a baby horse called?"
Ty looks at me like I'm totally pathetic, but really panic is behind his eyes--he has no guess! Finally he smirks and says, "Mom, you don't know what that is?" And that was it. He just dumped it all on me so he wouldn't have to answer. Smooth.
Ty kept dumping dirt out of the potted plants in our house and Rob had had it. "Ty! Leave the dirt alone! Don't even touch it!" A few days later Ty was at it again. "Ty! I told you not to touch the dirt!" Ty is mad at this point and fires back, "I'm not! I have gloves on!" and sure enough--those gardening gloves were doing all the work, dumping heaps of dirt all over the floor.
Ty LOVES superheros and any kind of action-adventure. Well before we moved Ty was outside playing with the neighborhood kids. He had on his Optimus Prime mask and his friend, Caden, was wearing the Ironman mask. Though Caden is six, Ty had no problem taking him on since it was really Optimus doing the work. Needless to say, Caden drilled him. He ran to my arms crying. I tried to comfort him, but it wasn't working. Finally he says, "Mom, I thought Optimus Prime was a good fighter . . . but he isn't! And I thought Ironman was a good guy, but he's not!" So cute.
K: "What does it mean to repent?"
T: Shrug. "I think it's Spanish."
We were in church and Ty saw the picture of the lamb and the lion. Ty stops and says, "Mom, that's a picture of when Jesus turns into a lion!" He saw Narnia at Grandma's house.
We were reading a book yesterday and I started asking Ty questions. "What is a baby dog called?"
"Baby Dog."
I laugh.
"Where do ducks live?"
"In lakes."
"What's a baby horse called?"
Ty looks at me like I'm totally pathetic, but really panic is behind his eyes--he has no guess! Finally he smirks and says, "Mom, you don't know what that is?" And that was it. He just dumped it all on me so he wouldn't have to answer. Smooth.
Ty kept dumping dirt out of the potted plants in our house and Rob had had it. "Ty! Leave the dirt alone! Don't even touch it!" A few days later Ty was at it again. "Ty! I told you not to touch the dirt!" Ty is mad at this point and fires back, "I'm not! I have gloves on!" and sure enough--those gardening gloves were doing all the work, dumping heaps of dirt all over the floor.
Ty LOVES superheros and any kind of action-adventure. Well before we moved Ty was outside playing with the neighborhood kids. He had on his Optimus Prime mask and his friend, Caden, was wearing the Ironman mask. Though Caden is six, Ty had no problem taking him on since it was really Optimus doing the work. Needless to say, Caden drilled him. He ran to my arms crying. I tried to comfort him, but it wasn't working. Finally he says, "Mom, I thought Optimus Prime was a good fighter . . . but he isn't! And I thought Ironman was a good guy, but he's not!" So cute.
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