But whatever people think, the truth is that I have a blessed life and I am grateful for my little men. They fill my life with laughter and frustration. Just this week I've been having major discipline issues with Ty. He is a FIGHTER to say the least. The kid is completely unbreakable, I swear. So he bullies both brothers, hitting for no reason (hard) and totally defiant. But any type of discipline he somehow twists it around to make it a good thing! Let me give you a taste.
"Ty, okay, no treats then . . ."
He gives me the "Oh please" look. "Mom, I don't eat sugar anymore. It's bad for you."
"Time out Ty! Go to your room!"
He doesn't budge.
"Okay, I'm going to have to take you myself!" This used to generate some fight . . . no longer. I heft him up and head up the stairs.
"Whew! I'm on a choo-choo train! Whoo! Whoo!" Now its a ride.
What works the best? Being sapily nice. "I love you, Ty. Would you please . . ." I've noticed the best results come when I ask in an overly high, fairy-like voice. And if I do all that right, I get him to do what I ask . . . about 75% of the time. I just figure this will be a GOOD personality trait someday. He'll stick to his guns and no one or nothing will change his mind; now its just getting him to stand up for good things.
Robbie, on the other hand, is in the mode to please the ladies. Yes, he's already on the prowl. His new heartthrob is a little girl named Katelyn. He picks his outfits out the day before he knows he's gonna see her. He wore an all-white ensamble one day, explaining that it made him "look hot," and a black shirt bowling "'cause it makes [his] muscles look big." So cute.
1 comment:
Haha...sounds like my kiddos. Although, I have to ask how do you get him to stay in his bedroom? Parker refuses to even sleep in his room lately!
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