It's like magic. Though I talk to both of my parents almost daily (not because I am the overly dependent child who never grew up, okay maybe a little, but because they are truly my dear friends and confidants) somehow they always know when to call or what to say or do to make everything better.
When I was going through another one of my ridiculous health dramas, my Dad sent me an e-card with this message (yes, I saved it!)
"Dear Kyrsten, First, I love you. No father could love a daughter more than I love you. Second, I am so proud of you at so many levels!! Third, I have a clear impression that you are going to live a long full life and there is no need to be overly concerned. Go ahead and buy green bananas and buy a 2012 calendar. They are good investments. Love, Dad"
It is so my dad and so what I needed. I laughed and cried. He never fails to make me feel safe and loved. He is contagiously optimistic and full of wisdom. I am so lucky to have him as mine! I love you, Daddy.
I was having one of those fabulous weeks where nothing seems to go right and all that's wrong I make Rob's fault. :) My mom has a way of clearing my mind. She talks me through my thoughts and feelings until I find the root of my "issue." Then, she has me think of solutions (trying to make them my ideas). It works every time. Somehow I get off the phone happy and skippy when before the call I was a slug. My situation didn't change, just my perspective and attitude.
The other day I was being difficult. I had just started talking to my mom when Rob says, "Tell your mom you're being mean to me!" We all had to laugh, since somehow I am madly in love with Rob every time I get off the phone with her!
My parents are hilarious! They are spunky and playful. They are thoughtful and kind. They are genuine and faithful. I admire them so much. I love you!