Thursday, May 31, 2012


Yesterday was the big day. He went into it strong. His fever broke over 48 hour before and his lymph nodes shrunk back down--what a blessing. He was off IVs and monitors--just got to be a baby for a few days.

Music Therapy came to play with him. He wasn't overly enthused, but it was at least a change from the room, hall, toy room, and playground.

And then there was the surgery. I'm sure the surgeon, Dr. Hendrickson, thought I was annoying, basically interviewing him for the job--I made him prove to me that he was the very best for the surgery. I think he was. Rob and I waited for around 4 hours. The  tumor and kidney were removed in one mass. The adrenal gland was preserved. The lymphs look normal. He only lost about 1 teaspoon of blood! Miracles happen. Now we are just praying that the pathology report is clear. His incision is about 8 inches across--as serious battle scar to brag about someday. His color looks great, though, and he is in and out of wakefulness. Thanks for all of the prayers, thoughts, and well-wishes.


Laura Waltz said...

So glad it went well! Sending prayers your way.

Ian and Tamra said...

I am so sorry, Today I finally realized that you not calling me back meant something was really wrong, so i got on here to find out. I am sending prayers and tears of overwhelming joy that you listened to the still small voice. You are so blessed and are such a wonderful mom! Wish I were there to help, and if you do need, I will even drive to you and come get your older kids, they could occupy my older two and we could have one big party everyday. I am always here if you need an ear or someone who understands the endless craziness that is our lives. <3 HUGS!!

The Shermans said...

So far so good!!! Kids are tough. Hoping for a speedy recovery!!!

Elsie said...

I have been thinking of your family all day - sending continued prayers and healing strength for you all!

LMW said...

So glad to hear that the surgery went well. Continued prayers for you all.

Kelli said...

I'm so glad surgery went well! Thanks for keeping us updated!