Friday, July 13, 2012


My Ty is four! I had to chase him around to get some pictures, but you get the gist. He's hilarious, creative, imaginative, loving, and FULL of energy!

And now for the interview:
Ty's favorite . . .
color: green
sport: baseball
food: "fried chicken pasta" (he means Cajun Chicken Pasta)
toy: Batman
friend: Dillon
movie: Curious George
song: I am a Child of God
treat: gum
Thing to do outside: catch bugs with a bug net (which we don't have--again, he's imaginative :))
Place in the world: Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun
Animal: Elephant
Drink: Slurpies
Thing to do with Robbie: play baseball
Thing to do with Jimmy: crawl up the stairs with him. 
Thing to do with Mommy: to go to get slurpies
Thing to do with Daddy: to go to Oceans of Fun with him
What do you want to be when you grow up? A race car driver.

 A taste of Ty's personality . . .
Ty is very touchy and lovey. He caresses my face and holds me close--he kisses me about 30 times each day (mind you, this is only with me. If anyone else touches him, he hates it!)

He has developed quite a potty mouth--always making burping and tooting sounds. I swear if I hear the word "poop" again, I'm gonna lose it. While in the interview, he kept saying, "I toot in my jeans, okay?" and laughing hysterically. Rob works with him on his letters each night. Poor kid can't even say the letter P without busting up! And every time he gets to G, he says, "G for gas!" We're working on it. He's slowly "cleaning" it up.

Whenever he gets in trouble, before I even begin to discipline, Ty yells out over my voice, "You're the beautifulist mom in the whole world!" Smart kid. How do you send a kid to his room after that? :)

He's getting to that stage where he asks questions. He recently pointed to my chest and said, "Mom, why are girls' these (pointing) so much bigger than boys'?"
I made it simple. "Because they have milk in them to feed babies." It made sense to him--he knows I nurse Jimmy.
"Well yours must only have one drop of milk in them." Nice. 
And then he thought harder.  "Well how come Grandma's are so big, then?"  I give up.

He is completely unique. He is stubborn and it's nearly impossible to change his mind. He is content to play in his own imaginary world, but also loves attention. He makes us laugh every day. He's charming, mischievous, gentle, male . . . love that little guy!


Sarah said...

Haha! Funny kid. I swear 4 years old is the peak of potty humor.
The boob hard to explain, but I love his observations!

Laura Waltz said... it! He reminds me a bit of Easton, or what Easton will be like when he's 4.