Thursday, August 2, 2012

Welcome Home

We're in California (well, I still am . . . Rob is back to work). I love coming home! The flight alone was hilarious! Ty was giggling and screaming with excitement--everyone around was laughing because it was so cute!

Each morning the boys pick from the family orchard and eat, eat, eat. Ty ate this for breakfast.

The amount of citrus is just insane! We've had some killer lemonade, let me tell you!

Robbie found a worm in the dirt. Ty got a string. And, well, they tried to fish in the koi pond. Unsuccessfully.

Jimmy is obsessed with the tractor; he has affectionately named it "Mama." I'm so flattered.

And, as always, there are lots of balls in use. 

1 comment:

Nashelle said...

Talk about vacation! It looks like you all had a fabulous time with family in sunny CA!