Monday, February 4, 2013


They're good boys; but they're boys. They wrestle, jump, swing, hit, fall . . . they're little monkeys, actually. Which, I must say, is fitting for this post.

We call the boys' room The Dorm. Why, because it is just three beds lined in a row--mismatched bedspreads of their favorite characters or blankets, tacky wall art (like cut out snowflakes) taped with no particular thought. It's humiliatingly ugly, but the boys LOVE it and it's theirs and they are so proud of their room. So, I let them do it.

Well, things just got uglier. Though both boys were guilty of breaking rules, the damage was done by Ty. Ty, that little monkey, was jumping on the bed, and though we've told him 100 times NOT to jump on Jimmy's, Ty figured it was the "bridge" to Robbie's (as he knew he couldn't clear TWO beds in one jump!) And so he lunged. And so he broke the bed in half!

Poor Jimmy was distraught. "Ny ded died!" he kept saying as he looked at the slivered pieces. Rob and I were naughty parents that night. We ordered pizza and made the boys eat cereal (well, not the victim, Jimmy. He ate with us.) We have since turned the crib into a toddler bed, and moved it into The Dorm. And my mom wonders why we haven't bought bunk beds!

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