Okay, so the post is almost a month late, but it's been so crazy lately, I just don't have time to post! A few weeks before my big day, one of my dearest and best friends, Casey (her son Roman is in Robbie's Kindergarten class. We met picking up our boys from school last summer and have been close ever since) and her husband Morrie, took Rob and I out to an amazing restaurant downtown called Carmen's! Casey and I are only two weeks apart, so we celebrated together!
That Wednesday for mutual, we put on a full Passover for the girls. It was AMAZING!!! We did it at my friend Heidi's house, who, by the way has the most gorgeous house to begin with and puts on the most over-the-top parties!!! The whole house was candle-lit; the girls were all dressed in traditional garb (they looked so beautiful with their heads covered . . . it was fun!). My mom sent me the full Haggadah, but I ended up just using a Seder script that my visiting teacher (who is a seminary teacher) put together. Pictures are on their way, but this is just the list of blessings (recited in part of the ceremony) that was in front of each of them. I soaked the papers in Pero, roughed them up, and then lightly spray-painted skewer sticks! It was fabulous.
The Ward Talent Show was also that week. We had the "original" American Idol panel; I got to be Paula Abdul! And yes, I still fit into my leather pants from college!
For St. Patrick's Day, the boys finally got to eat Lucky Charms--they always beg and I say NO! Corned Beef and Cabbage was the menu for dinner and the boys ate until they were stuffed! That night we had a green dessert party with some friends--super fun!
The big day was a little nerve-racking for me. I had to go to the hospital to get my legs/stent checked again. But, it ended happy! I had no venostasis and my stent is working great. After two years of check-ups, I am in the clear forever! (Well, unless my legs feel funny! :) I met Rob in the cafeteria for an pomegranate Izzi, headed to Costco, picked up the kids, played outside with neighbors, went to Texas Roadhouse, and that was it! My real treat is on rain-check right now. Rob is going to take me to a fancy restaurant on the Plaza, and then we are going shopping for me! Yes, that's what I really want; him and me with good eats, and his undivided attention while I try on clothes! :)

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