Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Aricka and I drove down (with the kids) in Johnny and Chelsie's jeep (since they were moving to Clarmont for medical school). When I got there,we had a great surprise: Aunt Debbie had flown in from Chicago!
which also meant delicious food! Hello Portillos!!! (and Wood Ranch coleslaw!!!)

As always, the boys spent a lot of time with Grandpa--mostly talking, asking, and telling stories.

Deb got us all super cute jewelry in Newport--here's us modeling!
The Harps bought the boys water guns; they didn't think Jimmy would be able to shoot it, but when he had no problem, Grandma said, "What was I thinking? He's yours and Rob's son!"

We chopped the boys' hair (well, not Jimmy's--I can't bear to cut the curls)
And made lots of treats!!!

The tangerines were like sugar!!! Perfectly ripe! The boys picked everyday!

Grandpa helped with the tall ones . . .

And every night, he told his famous stories: The Three Pigs, The One-Legged Deer, the Frog Princess

Lots of pool time . . .

More story time . . . my dad read from the Book of Virtues--the boys loved it!
We made lotion!

Had to get this shirt! Go 1982!!!
Grapes were in season, too!

The beach we had to ourselves!

Ella and Robbie
We took two flights to get home . . .

By the end, they were definitely done.

1 comment:

K said...

This looks like such a fun trip. I need to go to your parents house for a getaway! It looks better than a resort:) I can't stand how cute those curls are on that blondie!