The person who has had the biggest adjustments to my hospital stay has got to be Robbie. He went from never spending a day without his Mommy to her being gone for over three weeks now. Besides that, when he sees me (Mommy) I can't hold him or stand up--it's like I'm a stranger to him (though he is getting used to it). The first time he came to see me, it scared him with all my IVs and stuff; he wouldn't come to me. This weekend, however, after three weeks, he finally cried when he had to say goodbye to me; in a sick way I was so happy, knowing that he remembers me and loves me even as an invalid! :) Keeping him entertained in the hospital, though, is beyond a challenge. His hospital visits are jam-packed with activities that keep him wanting to come back for more! The pictures tell all:
Falling asleep next to Mommy

Watching his balloon fly over the air vent.

Enjoying treats from the cafeteria

Relaxing on the vinyl couch

Waiting for Daddy to give him a wheelchair ride
In all truthfulness, I have been grateful for my time here. I am helping my new one have a better chance in life; Rob is getting to spend everyday with Robbie (and discovering the challenges of motherhood); Robbie is dealing better with being babysat and adjusting to changes; I have gotten my fill of TV for the rest of my life, but have also started writing my book again. A blessing in disguise? Absolutely.
Oh, how I love the pictures and updates! I am so glad to see that Robbie is adjusting okay. When I showed my Mom your last post, she was saying how hard it must be for him to have you there!
What book are you writing? I didn't even know you've been writing one! Oh, and what' the future little one's name going to be?
So glad you can find all the hidden blessings. So glad you have a good doctor and medical facilities that give the little guy a chance for life, and that you're doing such a good job keeping him where he needs to be right now! You're still in our prayers. Hang in there!
Once again, I'm so impressed with how happy your outlook is. You are a bright, shining light. I love your cute little Robbie, he is so sweet.
You are an amazing woman! I do not think I could handle being in bed that long! I know it is hard for you to be missing both of your Robbie's but soon you will have one more baby to add to your cute family and one boy closer to that basket ball team Rob has always wanted! We miss you guys a ton!
All those pictures of Robbie are so cute! He looks like he has fun there! Tara's right, you are so positive. Happy writing!
Robbie looks so much older than the last time I saw him! I admire you for being so positive and the reminder that blessings can come from the least expected places!
It has been great to be able to see your progress and especially see little Robbie. You are always in my thoughts and prays. Love Aunt Wendy
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