Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pregnancy Update

I went to the doctor today for my first check up since being in Columbia. I am dilated to a 3 (which is great since I was a 2-3 six weeks ago when I went into preterm labor). The baby looks great and is super active. I told her my goal was to keep the baby for another three weeks, and she smiled and said she really doubted that would happen...I'll probably have the baby within two weeks (if I last another week and a half I will be 36 weeks and the baby has a great chance of going home with me). Wish me luck!


Nashelle said...

YAY!! Hope things keep going well...good luck! Our kids would make such cute couples, I'm sure!!

Unknown said...

Good luck holding on to that baby! I hope things are going well now that you're back home!

K said...

I keep checking everyday to see if you've had the baby. I'm so happy that you've been doing so well and are so close to making it all the way with your little guy. Best of luck. I'll be thinking of you!

Natalie said...

Glad to see you didn't have it this weekend. :) I'll keep checking in - in the mean time HOLD ON and take care of yourself!

Danika said...

That's great, I'm so glad you have been able to make it this far. I'm sure everything will go well, we're excited to see him!