It's a constant battle in our home: Who's the big boy; who was the fastest; who's the boss . . . (Robbie actually dubbed himself "The Little Boss" while Mom and Dad share "Big Boss" status). My mom just certified as a parent
educator (I'm so proud of her) and she said that my children happen to be "Power Kids"--their lives revolve around power--who has it, how do I get it etc. Lucky me. Here's a few pictures of my little guys fighting to become men faster than they should.

Ty in his "
unn-a-wares." Well, actually, they are Robbie's but he has to put them on everyday--just to prove how manly he is becoming.

My little Evil-Knievel. Ty rides this motorcycle so hard that his legs are literally horizontal behind him when he pushes! He does wheelies and flies down the hill outside--it's hilarious to watch. No fear, this one.

A happy growing up trait--MOVIES! I love
Kidsongs! They are the only thing that Ty will watch and he could do it all day. He is obsessed with ducks and horses right now, and since
Kidsongs features both, he's in heaven. (That makes two of us!)

Robbie is doing so great with his letters and sounds. He made this poster for Uncle Johnny's birthday party up at the house, and was just so proud. He is at the stage where he has to win at everything. Fastest at this, first at that, biggest here . . . it goes on and on. He wants to play lions all day and is obsessed with killing "bad guys." We're still not sure where he even got the idea (must come with testosterone), but he's sure he's brave enough to get anyone. I was in the kitchen the other day and copied down this conversation he was having with Rob.
"Daddy, I know all things."
"You do?"
"Yeah. I kill all bad guys. Daddy, if you see a bad guy from far away I just get out my sword and hit him on the head and he will die like this [picture the visual]." Rob must have looked scared (ha ha) so Robbie continued, "Oh, the bad guys live super far away, though, in bad places." What a relief!

I blame Rob. Rob allows Robbie to practice shaving--cream,
razor and all. So really, I shouldn't have been surprised when I hear Robbie screaming from the bathroom and come in to find
nicks all over his baby face. Yep, he shaved everything perfectly except that curvy spot around the lip and chin. I think it's time for a fake
Novel idea, I know.
Your boys are growing up too fast! ALL our kids are. Razor, yikes! What manly little men!
Your children are "power" driven, that's a shocker, real shocker :) I'm trying to decide who they get it from, you or Rob?!
They sure look like the cutest little men ever! I can't wait to hear about them in 10 years.....
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