I came home from Zumba Wednesday night to my entire downstairs filled with pink balloons and crepe paper. Rob surprised me by taking the day off, and we spent the entire day as a family. After celebrating my birthday on Thursday, we took a quick detour through Provo for a Tucanos run before heading up to Logan for the weekend.

Grandma Haas and I took Robbie skiing again up at Beaver Mountain. We stayed in the "Magic Carpet" section, but he had it mastered like a pro. He can turn, parallel, snowplow, and stop. The kid has some serious finesse.

Riding up the magic carpet

Grandma and Grandpa Haas surprised the boys with a Jolly Jump! They can't wait to go back to play on it!
My camera has a delayed flash. As a result, I have virtually no pictures of Ty smiling. I took almost 15 shots, and these were the best I got:

Ty thought Grandpa was just hilarious when he blew into his empty Coke bottle. He tried his best to imitate and thought that was just hilarious too.
Happy belated birthday!! Such sweet guys!
I didn't know it was your birthday last week. Happy belated b-day. What a good husband you have.
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