We love you, Ty! We can't believe you are already two--such a big boy!
A little about you . . .
Your favorite color is "boo" but you also love orange, yellow, and pink.
You know all your colors, except you sometimes struggle with green and purple.
You are talking in sentences--always sure to attach a name after a statement ("Miwt, pees, Mommy" . . . that's Milk, please, Mommy). The last month, in particular, you have completely blossomed.
Your favorite foods are (well, this is besides anything sweet--you're pretty impartial when it comes to sugar) pastas, applesauce with cinnamon, meat (any kind), and, yes vegetables. You love nuts, too.
Your best friend is Mommy, hands down, but Robbie and Daddy are second. You think all of Robbie's friends are yours, too.
You love trains, airplanes, hot air balloons, music, books, catch, trampolines, dogs, swings, the four-wheeler, and your little motorcycle.

He goes so high and this, I started nick-naming him "Animal." Now every time he swings, he starts saying, "Animal! Look mom--animal!"
You won't watch any movies except Kidsongs and Spirit (your horsie movie).
You're are 35 3/4" tall (90%), 26.4 lbs. (25%), and have a 19 3/4 (85%) head circumference.
You love being the center of attention, unless we get in a large group with older people--then you completely withdraw and try to escape. You love to make people laugh, and when you succeed, you don't stop doing whatever it is that worked. You love to cuddle and be held and regularly say, "Hode you, Mommy" (though it is starting to change to "hode you me, mommy"--you're trying to figure out this tricky English language). You love being told you're handsome and each time you put on clothes, you make sure to say it (ham-um). You're tough as nails. Robbie is constantly bashing you into something or hitting you with this or that--you rarely cry, but instead fight back. Your latest cute-ism is anytime you are proud or excited about something you shrug your shoulders really fast. It's darling.

Crazy Ty driving without steering, and loving it!

Robbie and Ty watching fireworks on his first 2nd birthday (we had three). The Haas' came up for the 4th and we had a BBQ and did fireworks. We had a fish cake and cupcakes. So fun. The other one was just low-key, and the next one was with our neighbors who have a little girl named Abbie (she and Ty are about a week apart). We made pizza, salad, homemade brownies and homemade ice cream. Yum! You got a train set from Mommy and Daddy, a little piano from Robbie, a lawnmower, ball, and playdough from the Haas', and money from the Wilde's and Grandma C.

You are a delight and charming, and we're so glad you are a part of our family!