Monday, July 26, 2010

A Week in Logan

Rob's been out-rotating for a month (we miss him so badly), so we've been playing here at home and finally went up to Logan for a week to see the Haas'. Rob flew in for the weekend (so great to see him) to say goodbye to his brother, Matt, who is heading to Guam for him mission. We'll miss you, Matt. You're gonna be great!
Everyone together for the last time in two years!
Pioneer Day Parade in Logan. The boys are still snitching the candy from it.

Our hot date to Toy Story 3 3-D. Robbie cracked up at the tortilla part and when Woody flew with the kite. Three times he asked to go home (he HATED the monkey and the bad guys).
Central Park--I love Logan's parks, but this one is the all-time winner just because of the water.

Robbie had been looking forward to catching "Garp" at Bear River for months, and though he never caught the ugly fish, on his second trip, he finally hooked a Channel Catfish and a Bass.

Willow Park Zoo


K said...

I'm sad we didn't get together while you were here. It looks like you did some fun things while you were here. We loved Toy Story (I thought the one eyed baby was creepy though).

Laura Waltz said...

I love all the pictures. It looks like you all had a great time visiting!

Anonymous said...

Alright missy...coming to Logan and not telling your friend pammy is not very nice. We thought of going to that parade too but it didn't happen :o( Miss you!