Note to all my avid readers: Blogging is my way of journaling for our family (I print it off at the end of the year), so if this entry and others seem like a ton of super fun stuff all jammed into one place . . . you are perceptive. I want us to remember all the great memories of this summer--it's been a great one. Enjoy.

FHE on Deer Creek--like the patch job? It was deflated by the time we got home, so we got some "real" stuff and "really" fixed it.

Ty's first shot with a pellet gun.

Don't you love the tongue hanging out the side?

My dirty child. I let my kids get filthy--no really, super dirty. They play outside all day with dirt, mud, bugs, plant and tree sap, playground rust, who knows. This, of course, doesn't count the food all over them. It's becoming a joke, really. I have a friend who looked across the table at her kids and said, "You guys look filthy!" One of her children piped back, "But not as dirty as Ty." Nice. We're the dirty, trashy family in the neighborhood. Love the legacy.

Camping up Snake Creek Canyon in the Uinta Forest (5 minutes from home).

Robbie finally mastered the rock wall at our little park.

Going to the park on Sunday afternoon. Ty loves the swirly slide and playing with the "pips" (a.k.a. woodchips).

Catching dragonflies and butterflies

We were eating breakfast when Ty yells "Out dare!" (out there). And there it is... a hot air balloon flying over our neighbor's house. We hop on the 4-wheeler to follow it--it landed on the street behind us. So cool! Everyday Ty talks about the "Hot Noon."

Lovin' the summer produce!

The shelf Rob built out of leftover baseboards in the basement. I so love free stuff.

Robbie upgraded to a big boy bed (sorry it's dark). We sanded down a bedframe from my brother, who got it from my mom, who got it at a garage sale. Yes, we're dirty people and CHEAP!

Ty got a big boy bed, too.

Robbie did the sanding. He's a great helper.

Our little men in suits--my mom just couldn't resist.

Fishing at Wasatch State Park...we do this at least two times a week. It's so gorgeous, though; how can we not go?

And this is how we get there--bikes. We've riden all over this place--I love this town. We bike to Cafe Galleria (a great pizza place on Main) or over to the pastry shop. I love summer.
Aimee hit it right on the spot the other day when she said, "Does anyone else wake up in the morning and still can't believe they actually live here"!
That is exactly how I feel. So lucky to call Midway home. This place is gorgeous and summer has been amazing!
You guys make me jealous! So many fun things to do...and the scenery is beautiful! I love the guys in the cute!
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