Wednesday, October 10, 2012


He's a social butterfly as far as ladies go. He runs up to them and tries to play sweet and friendly--he smiles and tries to hold their hands and get them to play with him. That is until she doesn't give him the attention he wants and then he just grabs her, squeezes her, tackles her . . . yes, he's even bitten. Let's hope he grows out of it!

He's obsessed with water. Everyday he begs to take a "baf."
He loves the camera! He does a cheesy smile every time he sees it (this time he was caught off guard, but he's not shy from it, that's for sure)!
He's obsessed with ties. Wears one almost every day (or multiple as you see). Over jackets, on t-shirts, without pants--it doesn't matter--he just feels handsome wearing one.

He loves vacuums, too. Why he thinks he needs protective eye gear for the job, I'm not really sure, but he INSISTED that he wear it. He's hilarious! 
And now for the mischief! Can't keep him out of the brown sugar . . .

Or away from the sink (at least he's washing his apple before eating it!). How does he get up there, you ask?
He pushes the chairs.
Yes, even to the oven. I found he had turned it on yesterday. Not okay! He gets in my toothpaste everyday. Turns on and off the dishwasher who knows how many times per cycle or when it is completely empty. He dumps out the dish soap, takes every can out of my pantry, takes every condiment from the fridge, pours juice, water, vinegar---every liquid you can imagine on my floor, turns on the hose and drowns the grass, climbs on EVERYTHING . . . he's exhausting!!! But I am just so happy that he is alive and healthy, I count each one of these things as a blessing.

Oh, and as pathetic as it sounds . . . I am FINALLY done nursing! I know, I know, a year and a half later--the child is weened (though he cried and punched me in the face when I told him it was over. He's really not gonna handle break ups well! :))

1 comment:

Laura Waltz said...

He might be younger, but he would so get along with Easton. I put up child gates and locks to keep the investigating to a minimum in our house (not as fun for the kids I know!). You are way, way, way more patient than me!