Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Soccer Moms

My friend Janet and I were sitting at our kids' soccer games and started talking. "Wouldn't it be so fun to get out there and play too!?"

Well, Janet took the initiative and found the KC Soccer Dome (which ironically is sponsored by Rob's work--who knew!)where a women's indoor league plays once per week. We told some friends. Got a team, The Soccer Moms, and well, definitely had a blast! We were TERRIBLE, but had a blast!

The worst week was when we played the high school's varsity team. They stopped the scoreboard after it was 10 to 0--pretty sure that was first quarter. And the young little snobs wouldn't even "Good Game" us at the end. Whatever. In my vanity, I wanted to see if I still had it. I sought out their quick little forward and raced her to the ball. Totally won. Totally couldn't control the ball. Lost it anyway.

Season's Highlight: Our WIN!! Okay, the other team forfeited for lack of players, but we still got to play a game, just sending some of our players to fill their roster. I was on fire that game. I scored 3 times! Lesson: I'm awesome against people who aren't.

Rob laughed at our first game. He said I didn't know how to attack the ball. I ended the season with two technical fouls; I'm a fast learner. :) I'm off for 8 weeks and will do another season in the spring. In the meantime, I've learned a ton! 1. I'm actually kind of athletic. 2. I can be aggressive. 3. I'm still fast. 4. I have NO ball-handling skills. 5. Defense is not my forte 6. I'm really out of shape. 7. It's okay to humiliate yourself every now and then (get out of your comfort zone--it makes life fun!). 8. Sports are bonding. I got closer to 17 other girls. My kids loved going to games (I even brought the neighborhood boys).


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