Sunday, June 28, 2015


It's been a wild season. Robbie is playing on a U8 machine-pitch and U10 kid-pitch team; Ty plays with Robbie on machine pitch. Rob coaches both. Phew!
 Robbie plays mostly short stop and first, but was introduced to pitching this year. No lie--he's amazing! We had a scrimmage with the dads one night...Robbie struck several out!
 Let's Go Royals! Our friend Adam Rosales (MLB player) came to town again, and got us awesome free tickets to the game! (A foul ball actually zoomed at us--I blocked Ty's head and it hit the lady behind us right in the chest!)

 Once Adam was done, he met us for dinner. It was pretty cool walking out of the stadium with him and watching fans take pictures! I think I could handle the fame!
 Ty is doing great, too! He's playing up a league, and still in the top three for players on the team! Not sure if we have the heart to tell the parents he's only 6 and in kindergarten. He is a rockstar catcher, of all things! The first time he tried, the ball hit him right in the mask. After that, he never flinched again--figured he's already seen the worst!

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