Wednesday, June 3, 2015

More Jimmyisms--love this stage!

Summer has begun. Day one, I come downstairs after taking a shower to find all three boys on the couch eating nachos.
"Nachos aren't for breakfast!" I say.
Jimmy looks up at me completely calm and collected. "Mom, just the cheese is the breakfast."
"Oh," I smile, "And what's the chip?"
"Just leftovers!"

Such a smart little man!

Yesterday we were riding our bikes, when Jimmy says," Remember when I beated Ty down there?"(speaking of a bike race) "That was SO hilarious!" He pauses to chuckle and reminisce. "Mom, what does hilarious mean?"

Jimmy loves pancakes. He can make them himself (along with eggs). One morning, he was stirring his batter when he said, "Mom, this pancake mix is developing very nice." I immediately wrote it down--such a big talker! So cute.

We had some friends over and their little boys had shoes that were too tight. Their oldest son (6) has the same size shoe as Jimmy (4). I explained that it was my dad's fault, who wears a 15.5.  I said,"Jimmy has big feet like my dad. He has HUGE feet. They are this big! (I show with my hands). He looks like a clown (sorry dad)."

Jimmy waits a second and says, "I have grandpa's feet? That means I look like a clown, too!"

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