Friday, June 26, 2015


 Found this baby at a garage sale for $5!  A few screws and some spraypaint, and it was as good as new!
 Weather can't hold back my boys! Look at those clouds! And yet, they were outside playing soccer. Then the rain started. So they headed to the front for some wet basketball! Love these die-hard athletes!
 It was National Ride Your Bike to School day. Ty really wanted to decorate his, but all I had were pink streamers. No problem--he was totally confidant and rode will pink ribbons trailing after him!
 Robbie would have rather died. Haha!
 Robbie's fantastic teacher, Mrs. Peluso, invited all the moms in for a Mother's Day Tea. The kids created their own skits about moms. This was Robbie's. I was shocked to see how UN-shy he is getting! He was the only one in his group who would talk. They were "aliens" who were in search of the "perfect mom." They made Mommy-meters and they miraculously beeped furiously in front of each of the "aliens" real moms. Super cute!

 Jimmy always snuggling!

 Robbie hurt his wrist in a soccer game, when a player fouled him, throwing Robbie to the ground, and then stomping on his hand. Nice kid. Anyway, he just wrapped it up, and started ready for baseball. We had a few weeks of crazy. Robbie was playing soccer, and on two baseball teams. Ty was on a soccer and baseball team, and Jimmy was playing soccer. 6 things! Rob was coaching 4 of them!

 Love this outfit!

 Dillon VonGunten, Ty, and Dylan Parco.
 And with sibling support
 The boys mow the lawn. Jimmy had full range for a while, but it got, well, chaotic. Since then, he mows in perfect lines, so he's been issued a "section" to mow each week. The boys are great mowers, albeit Robbie complains every time! Jimmy can't seem to think of anything more fun to do, though.

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