Thursday, June 18, 2015

First Tooth!

Ty lost his first tooth! I think it's funny to see my kids' personalities come out when they're in pain. We still laugh thinking about Robbie getting his kindergarten shots. He screamed and kicked and cried BEFORE he was even stuck. It took three of us to hold him down! Ty sat on my lap, blew out his mouth as they stuck him, and never shed a tear or made a peep.

Same with losing teeth. Robbie checks and wiggles and cries and frets (yes, he's just like me, I know!) Rob reasoned with Ty. He told him that it could get infected or he might swallow it. So, Ty said Rob could keep moving it back and forth until he said stop. Then they'd try again. Within 2 minutes, it was out. Three days later, the process was repeated for tooth 2. Love this brave little guy!

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