Monday, July 26, 2010

A Week in Logan

Rob's been out-rotating for a month (we miss him so badly), so we've been playing here at home and finally went up to Logan for a week to see the Haas'. Rob flew in for the weekend (so great to see him) to say goodbye to his brother, Matt, who is heading to Guam for him mission. We'll miss you, Matt. You're gonna be great!
Everyone together for the last time in two years!
Pioneer Day Parade in Logan. The boys are still snitching the candy from it.

Our hot date to Toy Story 3 3-D. Robbie cracked up at the tortilla part and when Woody flew with the kite. Three times he asked to go home (he HATED the monkey and the bad guys).
Central Park--I love Logan's parks, but this one is the all-time winner just because of the water.

Robbie had been looking forward to catching "Garp" at Bear River for months, and though he never caught the ugly fish, on his second trip, he finally hooked a Channel Catfish and a Bass.

Willow Park Zoo

Saturday, July 17, 2010

8 Years

Happy Anniversary! It's been a great eight!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ty's Two

We love you, Ty! We can't believe you are already two--such a big boy!

A little about you . . .

Your favorite color is "boo" but you also love orange, yellow, and pink.

You know all your colors, except you sometimes struggle with green and purple.

You are talking in sentences--always sure to attach a name after a statement ("Miwt, pees, Mommy" . . . that's Milk, please, Mommy). The last month, in particular, you have completely blossomed.
Your favorite foods are (well, this is besides anything sweet--you're pretty impartial when it comes to sugar) pastas, applesauce with cinnamon, meat (any kind), and, yes vegetables. You love nuts, too.

Your best friend is Mommy, hands down, but Robbie and Daddy are second. You think all of Robbie's friends are yours, too.

You love trains, airplanes, hot air balloons, music, books, catch, trampolines, dogs, swings, the four-wheeler, and your little motorcycle.

He goes so high and this, I started nick-naming him "Animal." Now every time he swings, he starts saying, "Animal! Look mom--animal!"

You won't watch any movies except Kidsongs and Spirit (your horsie movie).

You're are 35 3/4" tall (90%), 26.4 lbs. (25%), and have a 19 3/4 (85%) head circumference.

You love being the center of attention, unless we get in a large group with older people--then you completely withdraw and try to escape. You love to make people laugh, and when you succeed, you don't stop doing whatever it is that worked. You love to cuddle and be held and regularly say, "Hode you, Mommy" (though it is starting to change to "hode you me, mommy"--you're trying to figure out this tricky English language). You love being told you're handsome and each time you put on clothes, you make sure to say it (ham-um). You're tough as nails. Robbie is constantly bashing you into something or hitting you with this or that--you rarely cry, but instead fight back. Your latest cute-ism is anytime you are proud or excited about something you shrug your shoulders really fast. It's darling.
Crazy Ty driving without steering, and loving it!

Robbie and Ty watching fireworks on his first 2nd birthday (we had three). The Haas' came up for the 4th and we had a BBQ and did fireworks. We had a fish cake and cupcakes. So fun. The other one was just low-key, and the next one was with our neighbors who have a little girl named Abbie (she and Ty are about a week apart). We made pizza, salad, homemade brownies and homemade ice cream. Yum! You got a train set from Mommy and Daddy, a little piano from Robbie, a lawnmower, ball, and playdough from the Haas', and money from the Wilde's and Grandma C.

You are a delight and charming, and we're so glad you are a part of our family!

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Charmer & The Honest One

Each morning, when my hair is disheveled, Ty runs his hands over my stranded mess and says, "Piddy hair, mommy." So sweet. Well, just now, I was putting the boys down for a nap. Here's what happened.

I'm make-up less and grungy, but once again, my charmer comes to the rescue.
Ty: "Piddy hair, Mommy," as he strokes my ponytail.
Me: "Thank you, Ty."
He beams.
Ty: "Piddy eyes, too, Mommy." He almost pokes me.
Robbie is listening from his bed.
Robbie: "Why does Ty think you have pretty eyes?"
Me: "Hmm?"
Robbie: "You're eyes are just . . .brown. They look black. They look like. . . animal eyes."

So now I know the truth. Three year olds are always great at letting us know what's really going on.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Ty

Just for the record:

This morning.
Me: Ty, how'd you sleep.
Ty: Well.
(who says that when they're not even 2!)

Rob's family came down for a visit and we went to the Conoco Station for burgers--don't be fooled--they're great! We came out and saw a jeep parked right by the door. Ty was so excited. He immediately points and says, "Fo Wee-ya Bus!" (that means 4-wheeler bus). So observant. So clever.

Ty's our little Aryan child. His great-grandpa Haas is German and Ty somehow got all the genes. He loves rotkohl and rouladin. When he used to hurt himself, he said, "Owa" like a Deutschlander, too. Well, I was explaining to Robbie and Ty that my parents are going to Germany this week (my dad served a mission there, but they are going to the wedding of one of our former exchange students). Anyway, I started speaking to the boys in German--just little things so they could hear the difference. I started laughing hysterically when Ty seemed to understand what I was saying. He even waved at me as I was doing introductions. So funny.

And the latest:
"Know why, Mommy?"
"Cuz." (and then he breaks into giggles. He does this like every 5 minutes.)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

As of Late . . .

Note to all my avid readers: Blogging is my way of journaling for our family (I print it off at the end of the year), so if this entry and others seem like a ton of super fun stuff all jammed into one place . . . you are perceptive. I want us to remember all the great memories of this summer--it's been a great one. Enjoy.
FHE on Deer Creek--like the patch job? It was deflated by the time we got home, so we got some "real" stuff and "really" fixed it.

Ty's first shot with a pellet gun.

Don't you love the tongue hanging out the side?

My dirty child. I let my kids get filthy--no really, super dirty. They play outside all day with dirt, mud, bugs, plant and tree sap, playground rust, who knows. This, of course, doesn't count the food all over them. It's becoming a joke, really. I have a friend who looked across the table at her kids and said, "You guys look filthy!" One of her children piped back, "But not as dirty as Ty." Nice. We're the dirty, trashy family in the neighborhood. Love the legacy.

Camping up Snake Creek Canyon in the Uinta Forest (5 minutes from home).

Robbie finally mastered the rock wall at our little park.

Going to the park on Sunday afternoon. Ty loves the swirly slide and playing with the "pips" (a.k.a. woodchips).

Catching dragonflies and butterflies
We were eating breakfast when Ty yells "Out dare!" (out there). And there it is... a hot air balloon flying over our neighbor's house. We hop on the 4-wheeler to follow it--it landed on the street behind us. So cool! Everyday Ty talks about the "Hot Noon."

Lovin' the summer produce!

The shelf Rob built out of leftover baseboards in the basement. I so love free stuff.

Robbie upgraded to a big boy bed (sorry it's dark). We sanded down a bedframe from my brother, who got it from my mom, who got it at a garage sale. Yes, we're dirty people and CHEAP!
Ty got a big boy bed, too.

Robbie did the sanding. He's a great helper.

Our little men in suits--my mom just couldn't resist.

Fishing at Wasatch State Park...we do this at least two times a week. It's so gorgeous, though; how can we not go?

And this is how we get there--bikes. We've riden all over this place--I love this town. We bike to Cafe Galleria (a great pizza place on Main) or over to the pastry shop. I love summer.