Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I have been slacking on my blogging lately; not because things haven't been happening, but it's just been crazy!

My computer has been barely hanging on (literally--the hinges are busted and it hags by the cords, so I prop it against something for support. The battery can't be recharged--it's just sad, okay!) So in Rob's sweet attempt to "fix it" I ended up with a black screen . . . permanently! The only way to see what's on my computer is to plug it into the TV and navigate the mouse while watching the TV screen.

 Rob was out of town in North Carolina for a conference in January. When he got back, I had bought a mini van! A 2010 Honda Odyssey! So nice to not buckle three car seats in one back seat! His pathetic excuse for a car was dying. We put thousands of dollars into it last year. Even after a new battery, new starter, and all new spark plugs, it had a hard time starting. It was dangerous and had to go!

I was released from the Relief Society Presidency at church and am the new Young Women's President. I've had the same RS calling four times. Each time I was called, I wondered why I wasn't in YW! Finally, this time, I LOVED Relief Society! I figured out how to plan effective, uplifting, fun activities--learned balance, purpose etc and never wanted to be released . . . especially to Young Women's--who has the patience for teenage girls! And, go figure, that's when the call came. And . . . I LOVE IT! It's very busy and a lot of work, but I have a fabulous group of girls and I am so excited!

Ty never seems to amaze me by his imagination. O the fun that comes from a little dental floss!
Robbie's very social and sometimes crazy/weird like his Momma!
My brother, Jaron, came out for some interviews at KU and Mizzou. He just got his PhD in Tax (seriously boring, right!) but he ended up taking the job in Iowa City! I am so excited that he will only be 4 hours from me!!! Rob said, "Yeah, that's great news for you; bad news for me!" He's right; he knows he's gonna get ditched a lot! :)
And, I just found this picture one day and it made me smile. I love all the Wild Wilde men in my life!

Serious Snow!

We got dumped on! In the past two weeks, Robbie has only had three days of school (okay, there was a holiday in there, and it's only Wednesday, but STILL!) Rob got to stay home for two days--the hospitals and stores basically closed. It isn't so much that there was TONS of snow--no different than a good Utah storm, but they don't have the capacity here to deal with it. The freeways were even closed! So, we played!!!

All the neighbors came together and built a sled hill. I love the sense of neighborhood here. It's so cute, everyone starts shoveling their driveways, and once one person is done, they move to the neighbors' to help them--who then moves to the next house . . . by the time you get to the last house, the driveway is full of people helping. So great!

Since we're at the end of the cul de sac, we get all the snow-plowed heaps! So we have an igloo, a snow base, and a tunnel fort with a slide.  The neighborhood is in heaven!

We took the kids skiing Saturday, too (for the third time this season). We got a sitter for poor Jimmy, and took the big boys! They are doing AMAZING!!!

Before Church

My 2-Year-Old Baby!

Jimmy is TWO!!! To celebrate, we had a few friends over for cupcakes!

He had plenty of help opening presents! Our neighbor's, the Gilchrists, gave him like four packs of Bazooka bubble gum (since they know he's obsessed with it!) it was gone by the next day! He also got a monster truck from our friends, the Von Guntens--he slept with it. :)
We had a family party too . . .

Ty bought him a baby with a pink backpack to put it in. They insist the baby is a he. :)
Ty also got him a cow (Jimmy is obsessed with them!)

Daddy got him a Tee so he doesn't get left out when the boys are practicing!
And Mommy gave him more chocolate!
(Robbie got him a little vacuum, since Jimmy loves to help me out, and a bubble gun. It was a great birthday!)
Jimmy is a happy boy, who always wants to be the funny guy. He eats everything, and can throw down meat and eggs like its no one's business! He talks up a storm and copies all the boys' expressions. His latest skill is doing a "split leap" in the air. He runs and then does this hilarious skippy hop thing when we tell him to jump; he's so sure he's soaring and always wears a smug face afterward. He's a rough and tumble type, not afraid to hold his own, but will turn around and kiss and hold you! He won't even go to sleep unless he has given everyone hugs and kisses at least twice. He loves animals, driving his "tractor", and playing with the big kids. He's our little miracle and we cherish him!!! Happy Birthday, Jimmy K!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sense of Style

Today was Robbie's Valentine's Party at school. Though he gets love notes and cards from girls almost weekly, today was the REAL day. I thought it was so funny how particular he was about choosing his outfit. He finally settled on his Adidas warmup suit, but then asked me to make him a big heart to pin on his chest. Isn't that hilarious! Fortunately, I still had sprayment and fixative from my days as an art major so I could zip one out super fast! He blushed when I asked him what happened at school; he said he was swarmed when he unzipped his jacket; everyone wanted to see his heart! Surely this was all part of his plan!

Ty also wanted to look great that day. He decided to wear what he calls his "Blues!" He was so proud of his outfit. So positive he looked intimidating. He couldn't wait to pick up Robbie from school so all the other kids could see him ("And I'll run so fast by them!").  And, yes, you can bet I took him to the store like this. And the library. I've never seen so many smiling shoppers in my life! It was like everyone was remembering what it was like feel as beautiful as they did as a child.

Friday, February 8, 2013


It was a Friday night. It needed to be livened. So . . . we had a little family sleepover. All the mattresses were pulled down the stairs (and yes, the kids had plenty of fun riding Jimmys!). We watched movies, ate treats, and slept (well, they did, I was up all night with ribs in my side, baby on my head, voices in my ear (Ty is quite expressive in his dreams--has full conversations aloud!) It was a great memory, though--the boys want to do it EVERY night!

Monday, February 4, 2013


They're good boys; but they're boys. They wrestle, jump, swing, hit, fall . . . they're little monkeys, actually. Which, I must say, is fitting for this post.

We call the boys' room The Dorm. Why, because it is just three beds lined in a row--mismatched bedspreads of their favorite characters or blankets, tacky wall art (like cut out snowflakes) taped with no particular thought. It's humiliatingly ugly, but the boys LOVE it and it's theirs and they are so proud of their room. So, I let them do it.

Well, things just got uglier. Though both boys were guilty of breaking rules, the damage was done by Ty. Ty, that little monkey, was jumping on the bed, and though we've told him 100 times NOT to jump on Jimmy's, Ty figured it was the "bridge" to Robbie's (as he knew he couldn't clear TWO beds in one jump!) And so he lunged. And so he broke the bed in half!

Poor Jimmy was distraught. "Ny ded died!" he kept saying as he looked at the slivered pieces. Rob and I were naughty parents that night. We ordered pizza and made the boys eat cereal (well, not the victim, Jimmy. He ate with us.) We have since turned the crib into a toddler bed, and moved it into The Dorm. And my mom wonders why we haven't bought bunk beds!