Monday, September 19, 2011

Sometimes . . .

My mom taught me a valuable lesson one day. She said, "Sometimes you just have to pretend you don't hear. Sometimes you have to walk out of the room and then laugh where they can't see you." It's some the best parenting advice I've gotten. Children need to know boundaries--they also need to know that discipline is consistent. BUT they're kids, right? They have to play, too. pretend. That's what I did the other day. Ty is in a 3 year old playgroup twice a week and it was his turn to host. Robbie was home that day and had to impress all of Ty's friends with the nastiest story he could think of.
"When one of us was little, I don't remember which one, my mom was holding us up and we spit up in her mouth!"
It was nasty. It was true. And it got Ty's friends laughing.

But they were Ty's friends and he had to fire back. "Oh yeah. One time, when I was little, I was on my dads shoulders and I pooped on his head!" (How he went from shoulders to head, I'm not really sure, but it did the trick--his friends were laughing in disgust). The story was crude, it totally wasn't true, but hey . . . the kid has to live a little right? So, I pretended not to hear. I played with Jimmy and let Ty be the hero in house that day.

Within Seconds . . .


I've been awaiting this fall for five years now--so excited for Robbie to be on his first sports team! Well, the time has arrived and he is playing on a soccer team named the Fireballs! I'm not gonna lie, it was rough and hilarious at the beginning. Robbie was too polite to kick the ball away from someone or even rub shoulders. You should heard Rob and me "coaching" him during his practice water breaks ("You just take it from them; don't be nice, get aggressive!) Pathetic, I know. My dad assured me the aggression would naturally come, and it did. Once he figured out how to actually play the game, there was no turning back. He scored at his first game and can't wait until his next one. He picked #7 as his number, not even realizing it was his daddy's number--and considering they look almost identical, it's like a little de ja vu for Rob, I'm sure. Ty keeps begging to play, too, and had to get dragged off the field during several practices when he tried to take on the big kids in his flip flops! So funny.

This is Robbie and his buddy Braden--they signed up together.

Rob and Ross (The dads. As you see, they can't wait to see practice either--still in scrubs from work! Ross and Lindsey have three boys, too. They went to BYU-I. They are LDS. Rob and Ross are in the same residency. We were just meant to be friends.)

This one is blurry, but I wanted at least ONE action shot!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Robbie's Birthday

My baby is FIVE! It was a party full of chaos, so naturally, the kids loved it! Rob basically sacrificed himself for their entertainment, but what are dads for, right? The pinata was even dangerous for him since it was storming and we couldn't hang it from the deck! So fun.

And now for the birthday interview:

"What is your favorite . . ."
Color: Blue
Food: Peanut butter and honey, I guess.
Drink: Milk
Dessert: Birthday cake
Game: Guess Who, Connect Four, and the Matching Game
Sport: Football
Friend: Carter, I guess
Movie: Kung Fu Panda 2
Book: The one that I find the tools (Some Fisher Price tool book)
Animal: Lion
Song: Hark the Harold Angels Sing and Angels We Have Heard on High
Toy: My Toothless (dragon)

What do you want to be when you grow up? "I want to be a basketball player."

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? "You know those Old McDonald's that have those playground things? I'd go to one of those."

"What's your favorite thing to do with . . ."
Daddy: Football
Mommy: I've never played basketball with you, but I think it'd be fun.
Ty: Frisbee
Jimmy: Just play with him.

Robbie is a genuinely kind person. He'll share his most treasured and kept-safe toys and treats. He even let Ty open some of his presents. He is responsible, quick to laugh, is compassionate, honest, and helpful. He is a perfect big brother and an example to Mom and Dad, too--not afraid to tell us what is right and wrong.

We love you, Robbie and are so happy you are part of our family!

Here are some pictures of him at preschool on his birthday:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Learning and Growing Up

It's what life's about, right? I love watching my boys discover new things for the first time; and since I am a picture nazi, I caught some fabulous moments.

This was a touching moment--Robbie telling Ty he had to go to preschool.
And once there . . .

Daddy teaching Robbie how to do sutures.
Yes, we are two for two with trying to shave. Ty took it like a man--no tears, just a Buzz Lightyear band-aid.

I mentioned it before, but Ty is OBSESSED with superheroes. This is his rendition of "The Flash." Note the "horns" and the "gun" and "sword" in his hands. He drew a mustache too, but decided that wouldn't look good. So cute.

Friday, September 2, 2011

My Boys