Wednesday, March 30, 2011

One Month Old

I can't believe he is already a month! We still haven't figured out what to call him. So the list varies something like this:
Jimmy K
Little J Man

He is growing big and fat and we just can't get enough of him. The boys are totally in love and our biggest struggle is figuring out how to keep them OFF him! Robbie is my professional babysitter and baby holder. Ty has little interest in holding the baby, but never stops kissing and hugging him.

Jimmy with Grandpa Wilde

This is his "Old Man" picture.My mom gave him a bath and brushed his hair into this comb-over--and then he pulled that face. So funny.
Note the steri-strips--that's where they pulled the filter from my vena cava. Awesome.
Don't be fooled--Rob's not wearing make-up, just the gorgeous bruising from his eye injury.


Laura Waltz said...

He is adorable and I love seeing pictures of your newest addition. It looks like everyone is smitten with him, as they should be!

Wilde Mom said...

I'm trying to figure out who he looks like. He seems to have his own look...what do you think? We look forward to meeting him someday. Such a cutie!