Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

I've been blessed to have an amazing mother, grandmothers, and mother-in-law. I also get to be a mother! What a happy day it is for me! (Oh, and I was proposed to on Mother's Day!) I slept in. Then Rob made sausage and eggs with fresh pineapple, bananas, blueberries, and apples. We swigged it down with Keifer and Sparking Cider--whatever! Went to church. Then Rob and the boys cleaned the house while I blogged.  And, as has been tradition, Rob did a little photo shoot with me and the boys.

Rob barbequed tri-tip, corn, and asparagus! It was delish! We played soccer and baseball and then we just chilled in the backyard. It was a great day!

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