Friday, February 28, 2014

Jimmy's 3!!!

This year for Jimmy's birthday, we decided to make him feel special: he spent the whole day alone with Mommy and Daddy! We took him down to Legends and ate at T-Rex Café--he loves all the moving dinosaurs and the fish tanks (which we got to sit right next to!!!). We went to Cabela's too so he could see all the animals. We then picked up the older boys from school, had our own little party and opened presents and just played! I opted not to have a party this year--he had playgroup at our house last week and has been fighting a cough and cold, so I figured he would be happier to just be with his parents anyway! And he was! He felt so special!

Jimmy got some Jake and the Neverland Pirates toys, bubbles, a dinosaur shirt, and a kite. 

3 Year-Old Interview:
Favorite Color: Blue
Best Friend: Mommy (but it's really Troy or Cooper)
Food: Vegetables (that's what he said, but it's not the case! He's a pleaser.) :)
Show: Wild Kratts!
Song: "The Dusty Song" (from Planes)--he means "Eye of the Tiger" yes, we're breeding 80s lovers! :)
Movie: "Fievel Goes West"--it's one he just got and he's terrified of the mean cats and dogs, but this is what he said. :)
Sport: "Balloons" ?
Animal: Hippopotamus
Toy: I don't know.
Book: The Circus Ship
When he grows up he wants to be: Daddy
When I asked what he liked to do with each member of the family, he said the same thing: "Pway wif him/her" When I asked what he liked to play, he said, "wif toys."

Jimmy is a sweet boy. He's great at sharing, loves to please, thinks he's much older than he is, and is a SERIOUS cuddler! Everyday, he says, "Mom, wets go snuggow!" (let's go snuggle). He loves animals. He's my little sweetie! We love you Jimmy!

Nick Names:
Jimmy Jones (our neighbor calls him that)
Jimmy Boy (our other neighbor calls him that)
Jimmy Jims
Jimarski (Grandpa Wilde)

If we try to call him James, JK, Kez . . . he get's furious! Every now and then he'll go on a rant, "I not Janes Zerian Haas! I just Jimmy!"

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