Tuesday, December 2, 2014


It started as a Girls' Night Out at the Melting Pot. My boys were being watched by our friend Doug, a first year LDS ortho resident. I get a call from him as we are waiting for our bill saying the boys had slid down the stairs on a excercise step and Jimmy had cut his head open. I asked if he could suture it; he said no. I called my ER doctor friend, Dan Hagen, and asked if he could head over there with his staple gun while I drove home (I was 30 minutes away), but when Dan got there, he said it needed much more than what he had. Dan and his wife took Jimmy to the ER where I met them.
I was shaking like a leaf and totally nauseated. Jimmy wasn't too happy either! They told me that he should really get a CT since none of us really saw how it he hit it and he was silent for several seconds after. They then washed and stapled his head with 13 staples.

The horrific part of the night was telling Rob. I failed to call him and fill him in on the whole situation until after the CT. He was NOT happy. He felt they shouldn't have done with CT because of his past exposure to radiation and should have sutured his head. But, since I hadn't called, his imput wasn't considered. I have learned that when it comes to bad stuff, I just have to deal with it because it stresses Rob out, and then tell him when all is well. Well, not when it comes to his children, and especially his expertise: medicine! I felt sick for days--thinking of Jimmy and his scar. Feeling horrible guilt for not consulting Rob. I was alone to clean his head twice a day and smell all the caked blood on his head. It was an ugly time.

But, Jimmy is the cutest and sweetest little guy ever! He was making the ER team crack up with jokes, even while doing his head--the kid is not shy! Haha!

He is doing fantastic now. Yes, there is a scar. Yes, I always stress about him eating enough antioxidants. Yes, I have a gigantic hospital bill to pay. Yes, Rob still feels hurt I didn't call. But . . . my sweet Jimmy is alive! He is smart and funny and brings so much light to my life! Gotta see the positives!

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